TRiO Student Support Services

Picture of computer and computer monitor with text saying, "26 Computers available to our students"
Picture of a coach with text, "4 Coaches help develop Academic success strategies to ready our students for life after college"
Picture of a person presenting to a group with text, "Events and workshops hosted annually"
Picture of writing utensils and text saying, "1000+ Supplies provided to our students to succeed throughout their college career"
Picture of shaking hands with text, "Serving 1200+ students"

Mission: TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) at California State University, Long Beach is a federally-funded program designed to assist students who are low-income, first-generation to college, or have a disability, and who demonstrate academic need and the motivation to achieve their maximum potential in higher education.

Vision: SSS promotes a positive learning environment by building a sense of belonging and serving as advocates for participants.


Services Include:

  • Personalized Academic Advising
  • Assistance Applying for FAFSA, CADAA & Scholarships
  • Financial and Economic Literacy Resources
  • Graduate School & Career Preparation
  • Academic Success Strategies & Resources
  • Workshops, Cultural Activities, Events & more!


Semester Requirements:

SSS participants must have two contacts each semester. For detailed options see our Semester Requirements page.