Creating and Editing Profiles

The Profiles content type is used to create individual pages for staff and faculty in a given department, college, or division. NOTE: If you don't require individual pages, we recommend using a microtemplate for an employee listing.

Follow the same steps as creating other contents by logging in, then click on Shortcuts, Add Content.

Screenshot #1

Click on Profile.

Screenshot #2

On the Profile content creation page, you will notice that the Body field is already pre-populated with a short blurb and an accordion. For faculty, please use the existing headings as this information may be used to populate the FREE database. Feel free to add more sections within the accordion.

Add the name, body content, imagery, and select your Group Audience(s), more details below, then click save.

Screenshot #3

If the person already has an existing/external website, enter the URL address in the "External Website URL" field.

Screenshot #9

The next step is to add profile details.

The First Name and Last Name fields are used for sorting and will appear in the gray box on the right sidebar.

Screenshot #4

If the person has more than one title and/or departments, click "Add another item". The department is optional but helpful if the person is associated with more than one office/department.

Screenshot #5

NOTE: Groups Audience - this field is autocomplete of the different existing Unit and Department content types.

For the first item, associate this profile to the main Group/Unit (such as a College level or Division level).
Add more items if you want this profile to appear in other department/office employee listing.

Screenshot #6


There are 2 ways of displaying a directory listing of employees: Grid or Table view.

Start by creating or editing an existing page. Click the "Embed Views" tab.

Screenshot #7

Under Profile Listing, select either Embed - Table or Embed - Grid.

Screenshot #8

Publish and all published Profile content type that belongs to the group will be listed on the page.