Staff and Faculty Resources
Access to Beach Connect
If you are a new user looking for access, start here:
You will need to complete the Peoplesoft Student Administration System Security Authorization Form, located in the MyBeach Forms in your Single Sign On. (See Guide under Staff Resources)

Once Enrollment Services reviews and approves your access, you can sign up for Beach Connect Training sessions that apply to your role.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carole Nicholson (
All users who are planning to schedule appointments in Beach Connect must have a location. (If you are looking for access just for student data, please see the Where to Find the SA Form Guide under Staff Resources to start your access request)
If you are looking to add your location to Beach Connect, please complete the Beach Connect New User Access Form. You will be contacted by Carole Nicholson within 3-5 business days to schedule a time to discuss your interest and next steps.

User Training
Join in every Friday to become a Top Notch Beach Connect User on campus!
Training Sessions for all staff and faculty users will be held online. Users will explore functionality, ask questions, and review best practices.
To attend up for any of the Beach Connect Training sessions, sign up here
All users must have the appropriate access in beach Connect before signing up for training.
Beach Connect New User Training: (Recommended for all Users) Users will cover the basic functions in Beach Connect: reviewing the student profile, using the advanced search, and messaging.
The Appointment Cycle: (Recommended for users who schedule appointment in BC) Users will walk though the entire appointment cycle in Beach Connect: syncing calendar, setting up availability, scheduling appointments, how to check in a student, how to add a report or note, how to manage appointments in the Appt Center.
Campaigns: (Recommended for users who use messaging or appointment campaigns) Users will learn about the different types of campaigns in Beach Connect, how to build campaigns, and best practices.
Beach Connect App Features: (Recommended for all Users) Learn about features in the app such as the intake survey, polls, to-do lists, and raise your hand feature.
Beach Connect Lead Training: (Recommended for users with Center Manager Access) Learn more about features only available to Leads: Tags, Proxy accounts, Impersonate a student, helpful reports.
Using Reports & The Population Health Dashboard: (Recommended for users who run/review reports) Learn more about the reports available and viewing data of various campus populations.
Open Office Hours: (Recommended for all users): Drop-in Hours for help with all things Beach Connect.
Beach Connect Mobile App
Did you know students can review their appointments, to-do items, reminders, and holds all in one place? There's an app for that!
The Beach Connect App though Navigate provides all these features and more at our student's finger tips. To learn more about the Beach Connect App for you and your student check out the Beach Connect Mobile App FAQs.
Help our student community learn more about the app with the resources in the Beach Connect App Tool Kit.