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Telehealth Education & Learning in Psychiatry

The T-HELP prorgram (Januray 2019 – December 2020) has ended. You may contact Dr. Christine Costa (PI) from the CSULB School or Nursing at if you have questions about this program.

T-HELP was a pilot clinical training program designed for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) students. It used HIPAA compliant telehealth video conferencing technologies to provide hybird live and online mental health support group sessions. In an effort to comply with the CA Stay At Home order, all Wellness Group sessions after the quarantine were online using Zoom video conferencing. These sessions were supervised by a board certified psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners and all students were licensed, registered nurses. The goal was to develop, test and provide high-quality training in mental health provision using telehealth. At the same time, the student training provided an on-going community service in mental health primary prevention by incorporating this aspect into the masters level curriculum. In this way all engaged to prepare confident professionals, strengthen university-community ties, and foster a vibrant, resilient society. Youth and young adults were invited to collaborate as potential participants in these training programs.

T-HELP Partner Organizational Chart. Partners listed below.