
June 22, 2013

I went out on the water again today! This time the water was a bit less choppy and my crew was a little bit different. My goal was to collect finer data by upping the conductivity sample frequency from once per 30 seconds to once per 10 seconds. After that, me and my hardy sea crew went back to base camp, did a little bit of file organizing, a bit of adventuring and then finally some more GPR. This time we took the GPR across the entire opening of the valley. While I am not very sure what I am looking at on the depth monitor, I hope that some of the professors can find some secrets in the data.


Afterwards, a quick trip to the grocery store and a good leftover dinner left me sitting at my computer… until now. There was a lot of data processing and cleaning up to do… and I am still not quite done. However, I am getting a lot done. I also got accepted to another job for the rest of the summer! Now I get to stay in CA until school starts back up again. But in the mean time, there is lots of work to be done. After talking to Ted, we arranged plans to get a Sonar unit up and working for Monday. I am excited because with Sonar, possible thermal imagery, and LiDAR imagery, I can get a chance to play around with the image processing programs so more.


If I get a lot of work done, I want to start focusing on the coral. I want to take a look into the second part of my question and really understand what is going on under the ocean surface. I am pretty curious about Scott’s project now since Ted had pointed out some places of very prominent submerged archaeology.


Happy birthday Cole. I’m sorry you sent to bed 15 minutes before midnight. But tomorrow will be fun.