Analysis Week at CSLUB!

July 10, 2012

I was sad to leave Kauai and all the new people that I met there. This week we have all been working hard on using the data we collected to complete our individual projects. I am preforming a supervised classification in ERDAS on both the QuickBird and World View 2 imagery. The extra bands of the WV2 imagery are allowing the soft-wear to pick out individual species of natives! This is an improvement over the 2006 Gap analysis preformed by USGS. I am still going to use some of the classes stated in the Gap analysis but I will also have individual categories such as Iron Wood and Kava! I had hoped to have time to run both set of imagery through Ecognition and compare thoes results also but time is running out. I have learned so much in such a short amount of time and now I have to compress all the knowledge down and present it on a poster! It seems impossible!