A mutual love for meatloaf the food and Meat Loaf the man

June 16, 2012

I have a theory that the people who work in the cafeteria reward the brave souls who wake up early on the weekend. At 7:00 AM this morning I was served no less than a PILE of delicious chocolate chip pancakes. What a perfect way to start the day!

Today was a day off to run errands, pack, and generally prepare for Kauai – we are leaving tomorrow morning! I still can’t believe that we are going. A group of us went out to get Thai food for lunch and get shampoo, sunscreen and other essentials. We ended up making a run to a thrift store to get Ali Pistoia a fleece and we settled on a pink one with an embroidered cat in a basket on it (as Grandma-esque as they come).

A short trip to the beach and dinner later we were left listening to late 90s Usher music and reliving Middle School.

Go beach!