Accelerated MBA Travels to Colombia

AMBA Students work with low-income children in Bogota

One of the most memorable things from our international trip to Colombia was the day at Proyecto de Vida. We had the opportunity to spend a few hours helping and playing with the children. Proyecto de Vida is a non-profit organization operating in two low-income neighborhoods located in the city of Bogotá and the neighboring municipality of Soacha, Colombia. One of the primary challenges facing Colombia is the lack of capital and facilities to help poor children in urban communities. Poverty makes it more difficult for children to be able to study and follow their dreams. We wanted to take this opportunity to do something for the kids. We taught them art, geography, dance, and sports. Being surrounded by these little angels made me laugh and love this country more. There seemed to be no language barrier at all. We communicated and understood each other without words but warm hearts and hugs. It was an incredible experience for all of us! Thank you video made by the children of Proyecto de Vida.