Graduate at 2022 Commencement ceremony

Long a common refrain at The Beach, No Barriers now serves as the clarion call for a $275 million comprehensive campaign to create a national model for student achievement, empowerment and equity; shape California's future workforce; and elevate our community, advancing the public good.

Future Workforce
Dot Goldish "loved chemistry and she loved her students," says daughter Judith Goldish.
Community and Public Good
The camp serves LBUSD children who might not otherwise have access to such an experience.
Student Empowerment
“I felt welcomed. The support I was given was amazing," says Beach student Selena Lopez.
Community and Public Good
“Lee Krasner: A Through Line” highlights the painter's development and evolution as an artist.
Community and Public Good
A gift from the California Scottish Rite Foundation allows the Beach to extend clinical services.
Community and Public Good
Rocio Becerra knows firsthand the rough time Long Beach middle schoolers have had. 
Student Empowerment
I grew up in Long Beach surrounded by gang violence, substance abuse and mental health issues.&…
Student Empowerment
Students get the opportunity to "step outside their boundaries and explore their industries.”
Student Empowerment
The program helps former and current foster through academic counseling, financial aid advising,…
Future Workforce
Aeronautics designer Darold B. Cummings traces his success to his days at The Beach, a path he…
Student Empowerment
Jocelyn Soto-Rivera and other students benefit from The Beach's commitment to help them succeed —…
Student Empowerment
While donors supported programs across campus, there was particular focus on expanding scholarships…

No barriers to what we can achieve together