Law Day

The United States observes Law Day annually on May 1st as a day to encourage all Americans to reflect on the personal rights and liberties that are enjoyed and exercised daily. The American Bar Association receives credit for introducing the idea for Law Day in 1957. In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaimed Law Day to be observed each year on May 1. Congress later passed Joint Resolution 87-20 on April 7, 1961.


Law Day encourages us to reflect the role of law in the foundation of the country and the importance it has on our society. Today, we are asking Americans to focus on every legal right laid out in the fundamental documents of American democracy--the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Both documents uphold the same rights and freedoms for everyone, concluding the courts. 


  1. Participate in essay writing contests and webinars about the law.
  2. Explore upcoming bills in your state. 
  3. Challenge yourself to learn more about how a specific law applies to you. 
  4. Expand your awareness of the justice system and how it works. 
  5. Learn how laws are developed.
  6. Ask an attorney to speak to your classroom.
  7. Take students to the debate floor of your state legislature.
  8. Share how you celebrate today on social media using #LawDay.

Source: National Day Calendar