Legal Resource Center News

Legal Resources 

Person reading a document

Cease and Desist Letters: Defined, Usage, and Samples

At first, a cease and desist letter may seem intimidating regardless of whether you are receiving one or writing one. However, certain misconceptions surrounding cease-and-desist should be noted before choosing to write or respond to one.  A cease and desist letter is a non-legally binding document which means that the letter cannot force you or someone else to do or cease anything. There are…
Stamp with trademark

How to Register a Trademark with the USPTO

Have you ever noticed a “®” symbol next to a company’s name? These symbols indicate that a company has registered a trademark or service mark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the U.S. Department of Commerce agency that provides extensive protection through the U.S. government. A Trademark or …
Group of voters filling out ballets

The California Recall Process

After a controversial maskless photo in November and approximately 1.7 million signatures across California, the Secretary of State Shirley Weber announced on July 1st that there would be a Gubernational Recall Election in California on September 14th. There have been 55 recall attempts for California governor, with only one being successful in …
USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office

An Afternoon with the USPTO

An Afternoon with the USPTO The College of Business Legal Resource Center Presents An Afternoon with the USPTO Join us for an online presentation by a USPTO representative discussing Intellectual Property and demystifying the U.S. Patent System. Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 4 pm All participants will be awarded a Certificate of Participation. Registration Link