
Current and Recent Students

Outstanding Achievements

PhDs Completed

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CORET High School Program

Photo Album


- The National Institute of Mental Health has funded COR to help outstanding African American, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latino American, and Native American students pursue the Ph.D. in psychology.


- Participation involves 8 weeks in the summer and over the Fall-Spring academic year.

-You receive financial support, tuition, and conference travel. 


 full time student with 1 or 2 more years at CSULB.
-  Minimum GPA is 3.00. (acceptees usually have GPAs above min.)
US citizens or permanent residents (to receive funding).
- Priority is to students who have taken Psych 200 (Research Methods) and Psych 210   (Intro. Statistics) who have two more years at CSULB.


Submit Application  by Feb 14:

  • College grade records (copies o.k.)
    -Faculty recommendations (2 or 3, if possible)
    -Statement of Career Goals (2-3 pages)
    Copies of any papers for previous classes (will be returned to you)




Program Director:                                    Associate Director:

 John R. Jung, Ph. D.                                Chi-Ah  Chun, Ph. D.
 jrjung@csulb.edu                                     cchun@csulb.edu

Psych 429 (562) 985-5046                       Psych 325 (562) 985-7608

Office:  PSY 429, Tel: (562) 985-5046 or 1

Contact Dr. Jung or Chun for Interview and Screening Test by Mar 1







  • Decisions Made Approx. April 1


