Department News

CNSM Commencement Award Recipients for 2024

The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is proud of each and every one of our graduating students. Here a list of commencement awards given to our students from the graduating class of 2024.

Eclipse Gives CSULB's Astronomy Program its Moment in the Sun

The Physics and Astronomy Department hosted the Great North American Eclipse Viewing on the Long Beach State campus, where people stretched out on the grass, listened to eclipse-appropriate music, and watched the celestial event with special viewing glasses.

In Memoriam: Dr. Hitoshi Nishino

We are sad to share the news of the unexpected passing of Dr. Hitoshi Nishino. He had been at the Physics and Astronomy Department for many years, and devoted his life to physics.

CNSM Faculty Win Big with NSF CAREER Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Alex Klotz on his recent National Science Foundation CAREER Awards! CAREER Awards are some of the most prestigious offered by NSF, given to those "who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization."

Nights at the Observatory

Come observe the wonders of the universe! Look at stars, nebulae, planets, and the Moon through our telescopes on the HSCI rooftop.

CSULB Physicists Blow Up Molecules and the Mathematicians Pick Up the Pieces

We generally understand molecules and how they interact with each other, but with new materials being developed out of molecules with more complex interactions, there's still a lot left to learn. That's where Professor Alex Klotz in Physics and Professor Ryan Blair in Math come in.

CSULB Physics features in the 5+ Club, again!

The collaboration between the Physics & Astronomy and Science Education departments has continued to garner success in credentialing multiple teachers in Physics in a single cohort.

Obituary for Dr. Chi-Yu Hu published in Few-Body Systems

Chi-Yu (Sue) Hu, a well-respected colleague of the few-body-physics community, passed away on October 3, 2022. She was well known for her scientific contributions to the nuclear and atomic few-body problems. She was also known for her enthusiasm, optimism, and intense dedication to physics research.

New PREM Program Supports Materials Science Students

Michael Peterson and Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) grant was featured in the 2022 issue of Quest Magazine. Dr. Peterson and his team combine materials science research with pathway to Ph.D. programs at The Ohio State University.

Student Experiments Could Lead to More Effective Preemptive Care and Treatment for Deadly Infections in Humans

CSULB Physics students in Dr. Alex Klotz's lab use Nanopore technology to examine parasite DNA to improve diagnostic tools and treatments for deadly infections in humans.

How CSULB is Creating a More Inclusive Workforce

The APS Bridge Program at CSULB empowers students of diverse backgrounds in the rigorous fields of physics. With APS Bridge support during his master's program, Daniel Diaz went on to earn a Ph.D. in particle physics while researching at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland.

Meeting a Growing Need for Physics Teachers

There is a severe shortage of qualified science and math teachers nationwide, including physics. CSULB is credentialing and providing a pathway for existing teachers to add an authorization in physics, enabling them to teach the much-needed subject area.​