Troy Loker

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in School Psychology, University of South Florida; Tampa, FL August 2013

Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in School Psychology, University of South Florida; Tampa, FL August 2011

Master of Arts (M.A.) in School Psychology, University of South Florida; Tampa, FL August 2007

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Psychology, University of Florida; Gainesville, FL May 2006

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Raffaele Mendez, L. M., Loker, T., Fefer, S.A., Wolgemuth, J. R., & Mann, A. (2015). "Either come together or fall apart”: Coparenting young children with challenging behaviors. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 4(2), 74-91.

Raffaele Mendez, L., Ogg, J., Loker, T., & Fefer, S. (2013). Including parents in the continuum of school-based mental health services: A review of intervention program research from 1995-2010. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 29, 1-36.

Suldo, S., McMahan, M., Chappel, A., & Loker, T. (2012). Relationships between school climate and adolescent mental health across genders. School Mental Health, 4, 69-80.   

Loker, T., & Tan. T., Raffaele Mendez, L., & Dedrick, R. (2012) Adopted Chinese girls' character strengths from preschool to school age: A longitudinal exploratory study.  Michigan Family Review, 16(1), 38-55.  

Tan, T.X., Loker, T., Dedrick, R., & Marfo, K. (2012).  Second-first language acquisition: Analysis of expressive language skills in a sample of girls adopted from China. Journal of Child Language, 39, 365-382.

Shaffer-Hudkins, E., Suldo, S., Loker, T., & March, A. (2010).  How adolescents’ mental health predicts their physical health: Unique contributions of subjective well-being and psychopathology.  Applied Research in Quality of Life, 5(3), 203-217.  

Suldo, S., Loker, T., Friedrich, A., Sundman, A., Saari, B., Cunningham, J., & Schatzberg, T. (2010) Improving school psychologists’ knowledge and confidence pertinent to suicide prevention through professional development.  Journal of Applied School Psychology, 26 (3), 177-197.  

Technical Reports:

Friedman, R., Paulson, R., Prince Inniss, J., & Loker, T. (2009).  Collier County children’s mental health needs assessment. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.

Haber, M.G., Loker, T., Deschênes, N., & Clark, H.B. (2008). Career development for transition-aged youth with emotional disturbances: Exemplary practices of Florida mental health and substance abuse agencies. (Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) series, 220-115). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.

Loker, T., Martin del Campo, T., & Powers, K. (accepted) How a systems-change course and 'Success Stories' produce future purveyors. Presentation to be given at the 2025 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA. 

Loker, T. (2021, May 12). Enhancing Schoolwide Social Emotional Learning from Distance to In-Person Learning: A Framework in Action [Webinar] Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network. 

Loker, T. & Badertscher, D. (2015). Growing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the Sunshine State.  National PBIS Leadership Forum, Rosemont, IL. 

Loker, T. (2015). Keeping All Students Engaged, Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression. Keynote Address at the Florida Association of School Social Workers (FASSW) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.

Loker, T. & Csenger, J. (2015). Legal, Ethical, & Professional Practices that Support LGBTQ Youth & Families. Featured Workshop at the Florida Association of School Psychologists (FASP) Summer Institute, Naples, FL.

Loker, T. (2014, September 10 & 11). Utilizing easyCBM within a Response to Intervention (RtI) Framework: District implementation efforts and reflections [Webinar].  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 

Loker, T., Davis, D., & Cardenas, E. (2014). Reality check on fidelity checks: Addressing barriers & improving intervention delivery. FASP Annual Conference, Sarasota, FL.

Loker, T., & Raffaele Mendez, L. (2013) Supportive policies and educator behaviors identified by LGBTQ youth.  National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.