Signature Page Template

Electronic Signature Page via Docusign

Electronic signature page via DocuSign is now available. The electronic signature page process is described on a separate web page. The boxes below only apply to students who choose to print out a hard copy of a signature page for committee members to sign by hand.

Signature Page Template (For Hard Copy Signature Page Only)

This Microsoft Word document can be saved to your computer to use as a template for creating a signature page. It is NOT for use as electronic signature page. Revise information using title of your manuscript, your name and the names and information about all signators and then print a hard copy for them to sign. This document was created using Microsoft Office 2013 version of Word. Please email if you have problems with the download

Don Not Include Signature Page in PDF of Your Manuscript

The signature page is not part of the thesis, project report or dissertation manuscript. THE SIGNATURE PAGE IS CREATED AS A SEPARATE HARD COPY DOCUMENT. It must be printed and fully signed with all signatures and then delivered to the Thesis and Dissertation Office by 5 p.m. of the deadline date.

Information for Signature Page: College Designee

For the name of the last person to sign your signature page (after the names of the members of your committee), refer to the List of College Designees.