Wellness Groups

The T-HELP prorgram (Januray 2019 – December 2020) has ended. You may contact Dr. Christine Costa (PI) from the CSULB School or Nursing at Christine.Costa@csulb.edu if you have questions about this program.

Multiple wellness groups were conducted with participants from California State University, Long Beach, Jordan High School, HOAG Health Center, and the Paramount Community Center. The first four sessions were live in-person group meetings. The last four sessions used a HIPAA compliant version Zoom video conferencing to connect the participants. In an effort to comply with the CA Stay At Home order, all sessions after the quarantine took place online using Zoom video conferencing. Each session was led by PMHNP nurse practitioner students that are licensed, registered nurses and supervised by board certified psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners. These groups ran for eight weeks each semester.

Wellness Group Schedule

  1. Introductions of PMHNP group facilitators and participants | Group Ice-breaker activity (Live)
  2. Thinking, Feeling and Behaving: What is the Connection? (Live) | Self-Care Module - Skill Building Exercise (Online)
  3. Thinking, Feeling and Behaving | Positive Self Talk (Live) | Self-Care Module - Skill Building Exercise (Online)
  4. Stress and Coping (Live) | Online Self-Care Module - Skill Building Exercise (Online)
  5. Problem Solving and Setting Goals (Live) | Online Self-Care Module - Skill Building Exercise (Online)
  6. Dealing with Your Emotions in Healthy Ways through Positive Thinking and Effective Communication | Self-Care Module - Skill Building Exercise (Online)
  7. Coping and Stressful Situations | Self-Care Module - Skill Building Exercise (Online)
  8. Pulling it all Together for a Healthy YOU! | Self-Care Module - Skill Building Exercise (Online)

*Using evidence-based COPE Curriculum based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy based skill building approach.