Diversity Summary of Tenure & Tenure-Track Faculty

Tenure & Tenure-Track Faculty Headcount by Gender
Term Total Headcount Male Female Non-Binary
Fall 2021 900 427- 47.4% 471 - 52.3% (1-9) - (0.1%-0.9%)
Fall 2020 893 433 - 48.5% 458 - 51.3% (1-9) - (0.1%-0.9%)
Fall 2015 844 448 - 53.1% 396 - 46.9% 0 - 0.0%
Fall 2010 857 470 - 54.8% 387 - 45.2% 0 - 0.0%

Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Headcount by Ethnicity
Term Total Headcount White Black / African American Hispanic / Latino Asian Hawaiian / Pacific Islander American In / Alaskan Native Two or More Unknown
Fall 2021 900 491 - 54.6% 42 - 4.7% 97 - 10.8% 217 - 24.1% 0 - 0.0% (1-9) - (0.1%-0.9%) 11 - 1.2% 36 - 4.0%
Fall 2020 893 494 - 55.3% 38 - 4.3% 93 - 10.4% 218 - 24.4% 0 - 0.0% (1-9) - 0.6% 10 - 1.1% 35 - 3.9%
Fall 2015 844 509 - 60.3% 31 - 3.7% 78 - 9.2% 187 - 22.2% (1-9) - 0.1% (1-9) - 0.6% (1-9) - 0.7% 27 - 3.2%
Fall 2010 857 557 - 65.0% 34 - 4.0% 71 - 8.3% 168 - 19.6% 0 - 0.0% (1-9) - 0.4% (1-9) - 0.7% 18 - 2.1%


Data as of October 15 of each year.

Includes tenured and tenure-track counselors and librarians.

Includes faculty on leave.

More information may be found on the CSULB Institutional Research & Analytics website.