Anne D'Zmura Steps Into Position of Acting Dean

Anne Justine D'Zmura - Acting Dean of the CSULB College of the Arts

Anne Justine D'Zmura, Interim Associate Dean for the college, has been named by Provost Karyn Scissum Gunn as the Acting Dean of the college, effective Friday, February 25, 2022.


Since coming on campus in 2005, D'Zmura has served in various leadership roles. She is the former chair of both departments of Film and Electronic Arts and Theatre Arts. Additionally, she brings years of professional experience as a nationally recognized director and arts administrator. "I am grateful to Anne for agreeing to provide transitional leadership to the college,” said Provost Scissum Gunn.  In accepting the new position, Acting Dean D'Zmura said, "I am pleased to have the opportunity to work with the COTA community in this new role."


A national search will be launched early next fall to identify a permanent Dean for the college.