Xin Li

Aug. 2005-present
College of Education, California State University, Long Beach

Courses taught:

  • Advanced Theories of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Assessment (EDLD 753)
  • Qualitative Research in Educational Leadership (EDLD 731)
  • History and Systems of Education in the United States (EDLD 722)
  • Seminar in Curricum and Instruction (EDCI 695)
  • Cross-cultural Education: US and Global Perspectives (Graduate Level, EDCI 530)
  • History of Education in the United States (Graduate Level: EDCI 505)
  • Advanced Studies in Literacy (Graduate Level: EDRG 540)
  • Developing Teacher Leadership in Middle Level Education (EDMS 693)
  • Action Research Methods: Teachers as Inquirers (EDCI 533)
  • Introduction to Educational Research (EDP 400)
  • Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools (EDEL 431 & EDEL 300)
  • Theoretical Foundations of Language Minority Education (EDP 485)

Associate Professor
Aug. 2001- May 2005
College of Education, California State University, Long Beach

Courses taught:
Cross-cultural Education: US and Global Perspectives (Graduate Level: EDEL/EDSE 530)
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools (Teaching Credential Level:EDEL 431)

Assistant Professor 
Aug. 1999-June 2001
Teacher Education Department
School of Education, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Courses taught: Introduction to the Urban Multicultural Classroom (Teaching Credential Level: TED 305S);
Multicultural Perspectives (Teaching Credential Level: TED 415);
Language Learning (Teaching Credential Level: TED 407);
Supervising student teaching (Teaching Credential Level: TED 465)

Associate Graduate Faculty
Aug. 2006-June 2008
The Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto

1990-99 Toronto District Board of Education, Canada.

Associate Professor 
1985-88 Department of English, Faculty of Education
Yuzhou University, Chongqing, China

Assistant Professor 
1980-85 Department of English, Faculty of Education
Yuzhou University, Chongqing, China

1977-80 Department of English
Wanxian Teachers' College, Wanxian, China

Ph.D. , University of Toronto , 1998

M.A., University of Toronto, 1991

Dr. Li's research focuses on narrative inquiry in curriculum studies. She utilizes narrative inquiry as a research tool to explore a variety of multicultural, cross-cultural, language minority issues in education. She is particularly interested in the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism and its educational and curriculum implications in today's global societies. She develops her Taoist cross-cultural narrative inquiry to shifting polarizations and peace education. Dr. Li advances the research methodology of narrative inquiry. She explores stories, poetry, and other art forms as innovative research tools. She also develops narrative inquiry into curriculum for pre-and in-service teachers. Service-learning and multicultural autobiographies and biographies are among her specialties.

Dr. Li is co-founder and current chair for the Confucianism, Taoism, and Education Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association (CTE).

She is the current chair for Lives of Teachers Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association (LOT AERA).

Dr. Li is also an editor for the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (JCT)

Books Authored & Translated

Li, X.; Conle, C.; and Elbaz Lucwisch, F. (2009) Shifting polarized positions: A narrative approach in teacher education. New York: Peter Lang.

Li, X. (2002) The Tao of life stories: Chinese language, poetry, and culture in education. New York: Peter Lang.

Updike, John. (1960/1987) Rabbit, Run, (Xin Li & Li Li, Trans. & Rev.) Chongqing, China: Chongqing Publishing House.

Chapters in Books

Li, X. (2010). Taoism and peace education: In J. Lin & J. P. Miller (EDs.) Spirituality, religion, and peace education: Integrating our body, mind and soul for inner peace and world peace. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. 209-225.

Li, X. (2009a). Intersubjective becoming and curriculum creativity as international text: A resonance. In E. L. Malewski (Ed.) Curriculum Studies Handbook: The Next Moment. New York: Lawrence Erlbauam, pp 387-392. (2010 AERA Division B Outstanding Book Recognition).

Li, X. (2007) My lived stories of poetic thinking and Taoist knowing. (In Wang, H. & Eppart, C. Eds.) Cross-Cultural Studies in Curriculum: Eastern thought, Educational Insights, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp 193-206. (2009 Critics Choice Book Award of the American Educational Studies Association & 2010 AERA Division B Outstanding Book Recgnition).

Refereed Journals

Li, X., Kenzy, P., Severson, L., & Underwood, L. (July 2015). Dramatic impact of action research of arts-based teaching on at-risk students. Educational Action Research.DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2015.1042983.

Li, X. (2011a). Feminism and Daoism: Identity through life stories of Chinese immigrant women. Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, 8(1), 69-82.

Li, X. (2011b). Editor's note: Intersubjectively cultivate our worldly sensibility. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 27(3), 221-223.

Li, X. (2009b). Black and white may make a rainbow: Cultural creativity from opposites. Multicultural Perspectives, 11(3), 1-7.

Li, X. (2009c).  A Daoist perspective in internaionalzing curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry, 39(1), 179-192.

Li, X. (2007) Multiculturalize teacher identity: A critical descriptive narrative. Multicultural Education, 14(4), pp 37-44.

Li, X. (2006) Becoming Taoist I and Thou: Identity-making of opposite cultures. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. 3(2), pp. 193-216.

Li, X., and Lal, D. (2006) An Inner-City School Mentor: A narrative inquiry of the life experiences of Daddy. Mentoring & Tutoring, 14(3), pp. 317-335.

Li, X. (2005). A Tao of narrative: Dynamic splicing of teacher stories. Curriculum Inquiry, 34(3), pp. 339-366.

Li, X., and Lal, S. (2005) Critical Reflective thinking through service-learning: Reconstructing culture through a multicultural autobiographical method. The International Journal of Intercultural Education. 16(3), pp 217-234.

Conle, C., Li, X.. & Tan, J. (2002) Connecting vicarious experience to practice, Curriculum Inquiry, pp. 429-452.

Campus Committees:

2009-2010 Post-Promotion Increase Appeal Committee

2006-2007 Scholarly and Creative Activities Council

2002-2004 Program Review and Academic Planning Council

College Committees:

2009-present Scholarship Committee

2007-2010 Curriculum Committee

2006-2008 Technology Committee

2005-2009 Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee

2005-2007 Strategic Planning Committee

2005-2007 Student Affair Committee

2004-2005 Chair 2003-2004 Member Arts in Education Committee

Department Committees:

2008-2010 Chair, Faculty Search Committee

2005-2008 Faculty Search Committee

2005-2010 Technology Committee

2002- 2007 Curriculum Committee

2004-2005 Evaluation of Lecturers Committee

2001-2003 Evaluation of Lecturers Committee

Dr. Li's current projects include:
Narrative inquiry research---Urban Public School Teachers Thrive on Arts-Based Teaching
Narrative inquiry research---Enhancing New Immigrant Urban Teacher's Self-Image through Retired Teachers' Life Stories