Fall 2017 -- Math 233: Fundamental Concepts for Advanced Mathematics

Instructor: Dr. Wen-Qing Xu

Office: FO3-203
Phone: 562-985-1823
Email: wxu @ csulb.edu
Web: www.csulb.edu/~wxu

Classes: Tuesday/Thursday, 3:30-4:45PM, LA5-171.

Office hours: Tuesday/Thursday 4:50-5:30PM, Wednesday 3:50-4:30PM, and by appointment.

Textbook: Foundations of Mathematics, Thomas Q. Sibley, Wiley, 2008.

To provide a transition to advanced mathematics and to introduce writing proofs. Topics include: Fundamentals of logic and set theory, counting principles, functions and relations, induction and recursion, introduction to probability, elementary number theory, congruences.

Grading Policy:

Homework Assignments
