file mbe1toc.txt contains the table of contents for Maxima by Example, Chapter 1, Introduction to Maxima. Edwin L Woollett, Aug. 11, 2009 1.1 What is Maxima? -3 1.2 Which Maxima Interface Should You Use? -4 1.3 Using the wxMaxima Interface -4 1.3.1 Rational Simplification with ratsimp and fullratsimp 1.4 Using the Xmaxima Interface -11 1.5 Creating and Using a Startup File: maxima-init.mac -16 1.6 Maxima Expressions, Numbers, Operators, Constants, and Reserved Words -18 1.7 Input and Output Examples -20 1.8 Maxima Power Tools at Work -21 1.8.1 The Functions apropos and describe -21 1.8.2 The Function ev and the Properties evflag and evfun -22 1.8.3 The List functions and the Function fundef -24 1.8.4 The Function kill and the List values -25 1.8.5 Examples of map, fullmap, apply, grind, and args -25 1.8.6 Examples of subst, ratsubst, part, and substpart -26 1.8.7 Examples of coeff, ratcoef, and collectterms -28 1.8.8 Examples of rat, diff, ratdiff, ratexpand, expand, factor, gfactor, and partfrac -30 1.8.9 Examples of integrate, assume, facts and forget -33 1.8.10 Numerical Integration and Evaluation: float, bfloat, and quad_qags -34 1.8.11 Taylor and Laurent Series Expansion with taylor -35 1.8.12 Solving Equations: solve, allroots, realroots, and find_root -37 1.8.13 Non-Rational Simplification: radcan, logcontract, rootscontract, and radexpand -42 1.8.14 Trigonometric Simplification: trigsimp, trigexpand, trigreduce, and trigrat -44 1.8.15 Complex Expressions: rectform, demoivre, realpart, imagpart, and exponentialize -46 1.8.16 Are Two Expressions Numerically Equivalent? zeroequiv -46 1.9 User Defined Maxima Functions: define, fundef, block, and local -47 1.9.1 A Function Which Takes a Derivative -47 1.9.2 Lambda Expressions -50 1.9.3 Recursive Functions; factorial and trace -50 1.9.4 Non-Recursive Subscripted Functions (Hashed Arrays) -51 1.9.5 Recursive Hashed Arrays and Memoizing -52 1.9.6 Recursive Subscripted Maxima Functions -53 1.9.7 Floating Point Numbers from a Maxima Function -53 1.10 Pulling Out Overall Factors from an Expression -55 1.11 Construction and Use of a Test Suite File -56 1.12 History of Maxima's Development -57