file mbe11code.txt has Maxima code for Maxima by Example, Chapter 11, Fast Fourier Transform Tools. This file has been modified to use the fft.lisp functions effective with Maxima v. 5.19.0 Edwin L Woollett, last edit: Aug. 13, 2009 11.1 Examples of the Use of the Fast Fourier Transform Functions fft and inverse_fft 11.1.1 Example 1: FFT Spectrum of a Monochromatic Signal (%i1) load(fft); (%i2) load(qfft); (%i3) e : cos ( 6*%pi*t )$ (%i4) ( ns : 8, fs : 8 )$ (%i5) dt : first (nyquist (ns,fs)); (%i6) flist : sample (e,t,ns,dt); (%i7) tflist : vf (flist,dt); (%i8) tmax : ns*dt; (%i9) plot2d([e ,[discrete,tflist]], [t,0,tmax], [style,[lines,3],[points,3,2,1]], [legend,false])$ (%i10) glist : fft (flist); (%i11) fchop (%); (%i12) current_small()$ (%i13) kglist : kg (glist); (%i14) plot2d ( [discrete, kglist],[x,0,5],[y,0,0.8], [style,[points,5,1,1]],[xlabel,"k"], [ylabel," "],[gnuplot_preamble,"set grid;"])$ (%i15) vbars : makelist ( [discrete, [[kglist[i][1],0],[kglist[i][1],kglist[i][2]]]] , i,1,length(kglist) ); (%i16) plot2d ( vbars,[y,0,0.8],[style,[lines,5,1]], [ylabel," "],[xlabel," k "],[legend,false], [gnuplot_preamble,"set grid;"] )$ (%i17) spectrum (glist, 5, 0.8 )$ (%i18) flist1 : inverse_fft(glist); (%i19) fchop(%); (%i20) fchop( flist); (%i21) lmax ( abs (flist1 - flist)); 11.1.2 Example 2: FFT Spectrum of a Sum of Two Monochromatic Signals (%i1) ( load(fft), load(qfft) )$ (%i2) e : cos(2*%pi*t) + sin(4*%pi*t)$ (%i3) (ns : 16, fs : 16/3)$ (%i4) dt : first (nyquist (ns,fs)); (%i5) flist : sample (e,t,ns,dt)$ (%i6) %,fll; (%i7) tmax: ns*dt; (%i8) tflist : vf (flist,dt)$ (%i9) %,fll; (%i10) plot2d([e ,[discrete,tflist]], [t,0,tmax], [style,[lines,3],[points,3,2,1]], [legend,false])$ (%i11) glist : fft (flist)$ (%i12) %,fll; (%i13) spectrum (glist,5,0.6)$ 11.1.3 Example 3: FFT Spectrum of a Rectangular Wave (%i1) rwave(t):= 2*mod(floor(t/32),2) -1 $ (%i2) [floor(0),mod(0,2),rwave(0)]; (%i3) [floor(1),mod(1,2),rwave(32)]; (%i4) [floor(2),mod(2,2),rwave(64)]; (%i5) plot2d(rwave(t),[t,0,128],[y,-1.5,1.5], [ylabel," "],[style,[lines,5]], [gnuplot_preamble,"set grid;set zeroaxis lw 2;"])$ (%i6) (ns:256, fs:1)$ (%i7) (load(fft),load(qfft) )$ (%i8) dt:first(nyquist(ns,fs)); (%i9) flist : sample(rwave(t),t,ns,dt)$ (%i10) fll (flist); (%i11) makelist (flist[i],i,1,10); (%i12) tmax: ns*dt; (%i13) tflist : vf (flist,dt)$ (%i14) fll (tflist); (%i15) plot2d([rwave(t) ,[discrete,tflist]], [t,0,tmax], [y,-1.5,1.5],[ylabel," "], [style,[lines,3],[points,1,0,1]], [legend,false])$ (%i16) glist : fft (flist)$ (%i17) %,fll; (%i18) spectrum (glist,3,0.7)$ 11.1.4 Example 4: FFT Spectrum Sidebands of a Tone Burst Before and After Filtering (%i1) sig(t) := if t < 45 then sin(2*%pi*t/5.0) else 0$ (%i2) load (qfft)$ (%i3) (ns:512,fs:2.048)$ (%i4) dt : first(nyquist(ns,fs)); (%i5) tmax : ns*dt; (%i6) plot2d ( sig(t),[t,0,tmax],[y,-1.5,1.5], [style,[lines,1,0]],[ylabel," "],[nticks,100], [legend,false],[gnuplot_preamble,"set grid;"])$ (%i7) flist : sample (sig(t),t,ns,dt)$ (%i8) fll (flist); (%i9) flist : ev (flist)$ (%i10) fll (flist); (%i11) makelist(flist[i],i,1,10); (%i12) tflist : vf (flist,dt)$ (%i13) fll (tflist); (%i14) plot2d([sig(t) ,[discrete,tflist]], [t,0,tmax], [y,-1.5,1.5],[ylabel," "], [style,[lines,1,0],[points,1,0,1]], [legend,false])$ (%i15) load (fft)$ (%i16) glist : fft (flist)$ (%i17) fll (glist); (%i18) spectrum (glist, 2, 0.1 )$ (%i19) hannw(x,m) := sin(%pi*(x-1)/(m-1))^2$ (%i20) sig_w(t) := hannw(t,45)*sig(t)$ (%i21) plot2d ( sig_w(t),[t,0,tmax],[y,-1.5,1.5], [style,[lines,1,0]],[ylabel," "],[nticks,100], [legend,false],[gnuplot_preamble,"set grid;"])$ (%i22) flist_w : sample (sig_w(t),t,ns,dt)$ (%i23) fll (flist_w); (%i24) flist_w : ev (flist_w)$ (%i25) fll (flist_w); (%i26) makelist (flist_w[i],i,1,5); (%i27) glist_w : fft (flist_w)$ (%i28) makelist (glist_w[i],i,1,5); (%i29) spectrum (glist_w, 2, 0.1)$ 11.1.5 Example 5: Cleaning a Noisy Signal using FFT Methods (%i1) e : cos(2*%pi*t) + sin(4*%pi*t)$ (%i2) (load(fft), load(qfft))$ (%i3) [ns:512,fs:256]$ (%i4) dt : first(nyquist(ns,fs)); (%i5) flist : sample(e,t,ns,dt)$ (%i6) %,fll; (%i7) flist_noise : makelist(flist[j]+0.3*(-1.0+random(2.0)),j,1,ns)$ (%i8) %,fll; (%i9) tflist_noise : vf (flist_noise,dt)$ (%i10) %,fll; (%i11) plot2d ([discrete,tflist_noise],[y,-2,2], [style,[lines,1]],[ylabel," "])$ (%i12) glist_noise : fft (flist_noise)$ (%i13) %,fll; (%i14) spectrum (glist_noise,2,0.6)$ (%i15) spectrum (glist_noise,4,0.6,0,10)$ (%i16) glist_noise_chop : fchop1(glist_noise,0.2)$ (%i17) %,fll; (%i18) spectrum (glist_noise_chop,2,0.6)$ (%i19) flist_clean : inverse_fft ( glist_noise_chop )$ (%i20) %,fll; (%i21) flist_clean : realpart(flist_clean)$ (%i22) %,fll; (%i23) tflist_clean : vf ( flist_clean, dt )$ (%i24) %,fll; (%i25) plot2d ([discrete,tflist_clean],[y,-2,2], [style,[lines,1]],[ylabel," "])$ (%i26) plot2d([e ,[discrete,tflist_clean]], [t,0,2], [style,[lines,1],[points,1,0,1]], [legend,false])$ 11.2 Our Notation for the Discrete Fourier Transform and its Inverse 11.3 Syntax of qfft.mac Functions 11.4 The Discrete Fourier Transform Viewed as a Numerical Integral Approximation (%i1) declare([k,l,N],integer)$ (%i2) s:sum(exp(2*%pi*%i*k*l/N),k,0,N-1),simpsum; (%i3) s1:demoivre(s); 11.5 Fast Fourier Transform References