PCR Lesson 28 Study Guide I  




Learn to talking about sport


Step 1 In this lesson, you will learn sport words and talking about sport. First learn the word for ‘sport’


體 育


physical education, cultivation

運 動


movements, physical exercise


The two words are often used together: 體育運動 to mean ‘sport’.


The following words are useful for talking sport. Learn and remember them.


游 泳


to swim

滑 雪


to ski

滑 冰


to skate

跑 步


to jog

(打) 籃球

dǎ lánqiú

to play basketball

(打) 排球

dǎ páiqiú

to play volleyball

(打) 橄欖球

dǎ gánlǎnqiú

to play (American) football

(打) 冰球

dǎ bīngqiú

to play hokey

(打) 乒乓球

dǎ pīngpāngqiú

to play ping-pang

(打) 網球

dǎ wánqiú

to play tennis

(打)羽 毛

dǎ yǔmáoqiú

to play badminton

) 足球

tī zúqiú

to play soccer


Note that the verb ‘to play’ is ‘’ in ‘to play soccer’, ‘’ means ‘to kick’.

Do you want to learn more sports words? Ask your instructor.


Step 2 Talk about sports


The following are possible questions. Use the following questions to discuss sport:


1. 你 喜歡體育運動嗎﹖

    Nǐ xǐhuān tǐyù yùndòng ma?

(Note: You can say either 你 喜歡體育嗎﹖or 你 喜歡運動嗎﹖)

   Do you like sport?


2. 你 喜歡不喜歡...

    Nǐ xǐhuān bu xǐhuān … ?

    Do you like … (or to play…)   


3. 你 喜歡什麼運動﹖

    Nǐ xǐhuān shénme yùndòng?

(Note: you can’t say 你 喜歡什麼體育﹖Nǐ xǐhuān shénme tǐyù? )

   What kind of sport do you like?


4. 你 會不會

    Nǐ huì bu huì … ?

    Can you …?


5. 你 喜歡不喜歡看

    Nǐ xǐhuān bu xǐhuān kàn … ?

    Do you like to watch…?


6. 你 游泳游得很好吧﹖

    Nǐ yóuyǒng yóu de hěn hǎo ba?

    You swim very well, don’t you?


7. 你 籃球一定打得很好。

    Nǐ lánqiú yídìng dǎ de hěn hǎo.

    You must be playing basketball very well.


Now practice these questions with your partner. Ask and answer these questions according to your own situation. Write down your conversation.




Step 3 Learn more words to talk about sport:


When you have a tournament or match, you need the word 比賽 bǐsài.  


籃 球比賽﹐

lánqiú bǐsài

basketball match

足 球比賽

zú qiú bǐ sài

football match

誰 跟誰比賽

shéi gēn shéi bǐ sài

who vs who

輸 贏   

shū yíng

lose, win

比 賽有贏有輸

bǐ sài yǒu yíng yǒu shū

(one side) must win or lose in a game

贏 了

yīng le


輸 了

shū le


幾 比幾﹖

jǐ bǐ jǐ ?

what’s the score?

67 比78

67 bǐ 78

67 to 78

3 比2

3 bǐ 2

3 to 2


The words or phrases need for talking about a team:





籃 球隊

lánqiú duì

basketball team

足 球隊

zúqiú dui

football team

CSULB 的 籃球隊好不好

CSULB de lánqiú duì hǎo bu hǎo ?

Is CSULB basketball team goo?

棒 不棒

bàng bu bàng

excellent (cool)

哪 個學校的籃球隊(最)好﹖

Nǎ ge xuéxiào de lángqiú duì (zuì) hǎo?

Which school’s basketball team is the best?


The words or phrases needed for talking how well someone plays:


打 (踢)得好極了

dǎ (tī) de hǎo jí le

to play extremelly well

很 好

hěn hǎo

very well

很 漂亮

hěn piàoliang


不 錯


not bad

很 糟糕

hěn zāogāo





About referee


裁 判   



公 平不公平

gōngpíng bu gōngpíng

fair or unfair


Step 4 Learn the following dialogue and see if you can understand it.


昨 天學校裡有籃球賽﹐你去看了沒有﹖

Zuótiān xuéxiào lǐ yǒu lánqiú sài, nǐ qù kàn le méiyou?


我 去看了。

Wǒ qù kàn le.


誰 跟誰比賽﹖

Shéi gēn shéi bǐsài?





CSULB籃 球隊好不好﹖

CSULB lánqiú duì hǎo bu hǎo


很 不錯。

Hěn búcuò.


他 們昨天打得怎麼樣﹖

Tāmen zuótiān dǎ de zénmeyàng?


棒 極了﹗

Bàng jí le!


誰 贏了﹖CSULB 還 是 CSULA

Shéi yíng le? CSULB  háishì CSULA?


CSULB 輸 了。

CSULB shū le.


為 什麼呢﹖

Wèishénme ne?


因 為裁判不公平﹗

Yīnwèi cáipàn bù gōngpíng.


真 糟糕。

Zhēn zāogāo.


Step 5 Do Homework 1


End of Lesson 28 Study Guide Part I