CPR Lesson 16 Study Guide Part III


Objectives of this lesson:
Learn the color words in Chinese

Learn some prepositions: gei, cóng, zài


Step 1. Review the text


Words review: say the following words and phrases in Chinese


new shirt

old skirt

white paper

black people

green jacket

blue overcoat

Peking opera tickets


from my home

what look for

not mine

to wear a new shirt

that green one (jacket) is very good

this blue one (jacket) is too small


Questions and answers about the text


老師 古波 帕蘭 什麼

他們 晚上 什麼

他們 哪兒

帕蘭卡 什麼

帕蘭卡 裙子

件綠 襯衫

帕蘭卡 穿什麼襯衫


Retell the passage.


Step 2.  Dialogue practice


Be paired and practice dialogue 1, 2, and 3 on page 145 and 146


Step 3. Study more grammar


a. Chinese prepositions: cóng, gěi, zài


Chinese prepositions are derived from verbs.

cóng + place: word from somewhere

zài + place word: in, at, on somewhere

gěi + somebody: for, to somebody


The prepositional phrases are often placed before the verbs


古波 宿舍 漢字        * 古波 漢字 宿舍

丁雲 那兒            * 丁雲 那兒 * 丁雲      

朋友 朋友 (to give him as a gift)

哪兒 京劇            * 京劇 哪兒


Exercise 4, page 148.


b. How to ask a question: the position of question words

Question words: who , what 什麼, which +MW 件本個, where 哪兒

Unlike English, the Chinese question word is not fronted to the beginning of a sentence.










Exercise 5, page 149


Step 4. Reading comprehension questions:


1. 帕蘭卡的媽媽晚上用不用車

2. 帕蘭卡晚上去作什麼

3. 他們從哪兒去

4. 帕蘭卡穿什麼

5. 古波穿什麼

6. 還有誰也去看京劇


Step 5.  Do your homework 3.


END of CPR Lesson 16 Study Guide Part III