Working Papers
Comments and Suggestions are welcome!


1. a Good Environment for Kids to Learn Chinese (big5 file), 2001 (htm).

2. Chinese Word Processor in Teaching Chinese, 2001 (htm).

3.      Using IRC in Teaching Chinese, 2001  (pdf).

4.      Useful Web-Sites for Teaching and Learning Chinese, 2001 (doc).

5. Broadening the Scope of Comparison between English and Chinese (co-authored with Lu Bingfu), 2001 (Big5).

6. Economic Rule in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (co-authored with Lu Bingu), 2002 (doc).

7. Three Models of Online Teaching, 2002 (Big5).

8. on Chinese Distance Education in the U.S. 2002 (htm).

9. and Pinyin Revisited, 2003 (doc)

10. Typing Error Analysis, 2003 (doc) (pdf)

11.  Computer Proficiency for Chinese Language Educators, 2003

12. Chinese Courses and Articulation Issues, 2004 (doc) (pdf)

13.  中文网络资源的重组与应用 Reorganization and Application of Internet Resourses, 2004 (doc)

14.  中文教学中电脑技术应用的策略与模式 Strategies and Models of Applying Computer Technology in Chinese Language Teaching, 2005 (htm)

15.  博客、维基、网播与中文教学 Blog, Wiki, Podcasting and Learning Chinese Language. 2006 (pdf)

16.  电脑在外语教学中的运用:理论与实践 Application of Computers in Foreign Language Teaching: Theories and Practice. 2007 (swf)

17.  电脑教学日常化是必由之路. 2008 (htm)

18.  全球化与电脑网络对外语教育的影响.2008 (htm)

19.  Technology and Chinese Teaching. 2009 (swf). co-authored with Tao-Chung Yao. In Everson, Michael and Yun Xiao. (2009) Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language: Theories and Applications.  Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

20.  電腦詞典在中文教學中的應用 Using online dictionaries in teaching Chinese. In Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association February 2010, Volume 45:3.

21.  手写还是电写”——电脑输入中文引起的讨论 On "E-writing" vs. "Hand-writing". In Journal of Chinese Language Teaching and Research in the U.S. 2011.

22.   跨国远程辅导实习的可能性 The Feasibility of Cross-Country Long Distance Tutoring. 2013 (pdf)