Learn to Read: Unit 14 1. Listen to the recoRding of the following passages and try to find out the pronuncation of the characters or words. (Online Unit 14-1, 2) 我很喜歡體育運動﹐因為運動對身體有好處。我喜歡跑步﹐游泳﹐打籃球。我游 泳游得很好﹐可是籃球打得不好。我還喜歡看體育比賽。籃球、排球、足球﹐我 都喜歡看。我特別喜歡看橄欖球比賽。美國橄欖球很有意思。 體育________________________ 好處 ________________________ 跑步________________________ 游泳 ________________________ 比賽 ________________________ 特別 ________________________ 有意思 ________________________ 運動 ________________________ 我是從中國來的。我也喜歡體育運動﹐因為不運動對身體不好。 我會打乒乓球、排球﹐也會踢足球。乒乓球我打得不錯﹐可是足球踢得不太好。 在美國我不常打乒乓球。我不太喜歡美國的橄欖球。不過﹐我常常看橄欖球比賽。 打球 ________________________ 踢足球________________________ 不錯________________________ 可是________________________ 不過________________________ 常常________________________ 比賽________________________ 不太好________________________ 會打________________________ 美國________________________ 2. This part is ommitted 3. Write the following words in characters: to like to play do jogging to swim basketball volleyball football to watch (sports) games interesting health to be good to 4. Write the following sentences in characters: I like sports very much. My family members like to watch sports games. I cannot play volleyball, but I can play basketball. I pay basketball very well. I don't swim very often. American football is very interesting. Doing exercises is good to health (對身體) We often watch basketball games. 5. Answer the folloing questions in pinyin. 你喜歡體育運動嗎﹖ 喜歡什麼﹖ 你經常運動嗎﹖ 你平常作什麼運動﹖ 你會不會打籃球﹖ 你 籃球打得怎麼樣﹖ 我們一起去打籃球﹐好不好﹖ 你常常打排球嗎﹖ 你喜歡看排球比賽嗎﹖