Learn to Read: Unit 13 1. Listen to the recording of the following passages and try to find o ut the pronuncation of the characters or words. (Online Unit 13-1, 2) 我是中國人﹐喜歡吃中國菜。中國菜很好吃。我喜歡吃肉。 牛肉、豬肉、雞、鴨﹐我都喜歡。可是我不太喜歡吃魚和蝦。 我每天吃很多蔬菜。蔬菜裡有各種維生素﹐對身體有好處。 菜 _____________________ 肉_____________________ 雞_____________________ 喜歡_____________________ 吃_____________________ 魚_____________________ 蝦_____________________ 我是美國人﹐也很喜歡吃中國菜。因為中國菜很好吃﹐不太油膩﹐很有營養。我 特別喜歡吃四川菜﹐因為四川菜比較辣。不過﹐我也常常吃西菜。漢堡包、比薩 餅﹐我都喜歡。我每天喝牛奶﹐因為牛奶很有營養﹐對身體有好處。 不太_____________________ 特別_____________________ 因為_____________________ 比較_____________________ 不過_____________________ 常常_____________________ 四川_____________________ 牛奶_____________________ 2. This part is ommitted 3. Write the following words in characters: Chinese food _______________________ very delicious _______________________ to like _______________________ beef _______________________ chicken _______________________ Beijing cusine _______________________ to drink milk _______________________ the most _______________________ to be used to ____________________ 4. Write the following sentences in characters: I like to eat the Chinese food the best. Fish is very delicious. I eat Chinese food every day. My friend doesn't like to drink milk too much. John likes to eat Sichuan food, because Sichuan food is very delicous. I am used to eating American food. I did not have chance to eat Beijing food. My family often goes to eat Chinese food. 5.. Answer the folloing questions in pinyin or characters: 你喜歡不喜歡吃美國菜﹖ 美國菜你吃得慣嗎﹖ 你吃過中國菜沒有﹖ 你平常吃中國菜還是美國菜﹖ 你會作中國菜嗎﹖ 你喜歡吃什麼﹖魚還是肉﹖ 你喜歡吃什麼菜﹐四川菜還是廣東菜O 你最喜歡什麼菜﹖ 你常常去吃中國菜嗎﹖