Learning more about Information Literacy

click on the images to see books, articles and websites which may be helpful in course design.






The Challenge of the 21st Century: Managing Technology and Ourselves in a Shrinking World.

Harold A. Linstone. 1994.

Linstone informs readers about new ways of critical thinking in the technologically dominated Information Age. The author codifies a multi-perspective approach with an analysis of the Exxon Valdez oil spill as an example of managing hazardous technology, then applies it to balances between the short-term and long-term concerns, and individual and societal responsibilities.

The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism.

(available via Link+) Robert Reich. 1992.

A good book on the globalization of markets. It highlights three types of new economy workers: routine producers, in-person servers, and symbolic analysts. Reich believes that the symbolic analysts, who "solve, identify, and broker problems by manipulating symbols," will dominate the Information Age. Those who have no knowledge to sell, who are engaged in routine jobs in factories or in-person servers such as waiters and cashiers will be left behind.

Culture and Politics in the Information Age: A New Politics?

Frank Webster, Editor. (2001).

This Routledge publication addresses important theoretical debates on issues such as digital democracy, cultural politics and transnational communities. Contributing authors provide diverse international perspectives. The book combines cutting edge research on new social movements with the latest theoretical material.

Disconnected: Haves and Have-Nots in the Information Age.

William Wresch. (1996).

This book, written by a computer scientist, doesn't dismiss the importance of technology by any means but analyzes the problem of information poverty on many levels. Wresch demonstrates that there's a lot more to information and participation than having a radio or being online. William Wresch probes the roots of the problems and the obstructions to information flow, as well as potential solutions and reasons for hope.
Information Literacy and Workplace Performance,

by Tom W. Goad (2002).

An easy to read guide that attends to basic skills, thinking and decision-making, creativity enhancement, innovation and risk taking, computer literacy, subject matter literacy, learning how to learn, and securement of on-the-job help. Goad discusses an unusual but highly relevant topic: how do we place work into the framework of our lives, and how can information literacy help?

Information Literacy: Developing Students as Independent Learners,

edited by D.W. Farmer and Terrence F. Mech (1992).

An overview from the perspectives of librarians, faculty, academic administrators and higher education officials.

Teaching Information Literacy Skills,

by Patricia Iannuzzi, Charles T. Mangrum II and Stephen S. Strichart (1999).

This book has reproducible activities (for schools and higher education) to help students develop information literacy skills.

The information society and the Black community

edited by John T. Barber and Alice A.Tait (2001).

Electronic Books

Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide.

U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (1999).

This online publication provides the resent results of a government study of the digital divide.


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Full Text Online

Assessing Information Literacy Skills in the California State University: A Progress Report.,

By: Dunn, Kathleen, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2002, Vol. 28, Issue 1/2

Provides an overview of how the CSU system is addressing information literacy on each campus.

eBlack Studies: A Twenty-First-Century Challenge.

Alkalimat, Abdul. published in Souls v2 n3 p69-76 Sum 2000 (html version available from (http://social-sciences.uchicago.edu/ucrpc/Events/eblack.htm)

Calls for the transformation of black studies that moves from ideology to information. Argues that eBlack, the virtualization of the black experience, is the basis for the next stage of this academic discipline. Presents three theoretical principles of eBlack studies (cyberdemocracy, collective intelligence, and information freedom); describes five institutions' experiments with eBlack studies; and offers a strategy for eBlack studies.

Information Literacy as a Liberal Art Enlightenment proposals for a new curriculum,

by Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shelley K. Hughes EDUCOM REVIEW

Volume 31, Number 2, 1996.

If a more comprehensive definition of information literacy is useful, Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shelley K. Hughes provide a detailed definition of information literacy in their article.

Racial Differences in the Academic Library Experiences of Undergraduates.

Whitmire, Ethelene. Journal of Academic Librarianship v25 n1 p33-37 Jan 1999.

Discusses the use of the College Student Experiences questionnaire (CSEQ) as an effective instrument to measure differences in the academic library experiences of two different racial groups. Results of a study indicate that African-American undergraduate students used the academic library services more frequently than did white students.


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Web Sites


African American Studies (Denison University)

The Andrew C. Mellon Integrating Information Literacy into the Liberal Arts Curriculum grant has collected discipline specific resources to provide inspiration and concrete examples to teaching faculty and librarians interested in integrating information literacy into their curriculum.

CSU Information Competence Initiative (CSU)

This page provides links and information about information literacy at the CSU. Includes recent projects, links to grant information and more.

Information Literacy in a Nutshell: Basic Information for Academic Administrators and Faculty (American Library Association)

A brief guide introducing the concept of information literacy and model information literacy programs designed specifically for academic administrators and faculty prepared by Thomas G. Kirk, Jr.

Welcome to Information Literacy (CSULB)

A PowerPoint slide show, best practices for creating effective library assignments, and information literacy: a selective annotated webliography are available at this website created by Tiffini Travis and Eileen Wakiji.
