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Assessing Information Literacy Skills in the California State University: A Progress Report.,

By: Dunn, Kathleen, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2002, Vol. 28, Issue 1/2

Provides an overview of how the CSU system is addressing information literacy on each campus.

eBlack Studies: A Twenty-First-Century Challenge.

Alkalimat, Abdul. published in Souls v2 n3 p69-76 Sum 2000 (html version available from (

Calls for the transformation of black studies that moves from ideology to information. Argues that eBlack, the virtualization of the black experience, is the basis for the next stage of this academic discipline. Presents three theoretical principles of eBlack studies (cyberdemocracy, collective intelligence, and information freedom); describes five institutions' experiments with eBlack studies; and offers a strategy for eBlack studies.

Information Literacy as a Liberal Art Enlightenment proposals for a new curriculum,

by Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shelley K. Hughes EDUCOM REVIEW Volume 31, Number 2, 1996.

If a more comprehensive definition of information literacy is useful, Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shelley K. Hughes provide a detailed definition of information literacy in their article.

Racial Differences in the Academic LibraryExperiences of Undergraduates.

Whitmire, Ethelene. Journal of Academic Librarianship v25 n1 p33-37 Jan 1999.

Discusses the use of the College Student Experiences questionnaire (CSEQ) as an effective instrument to measure differences in the academic library experiences of two different racial groups. Results of a study indicate that African-American undergraduate students used the academic library services more frequently than did white students.