Contact Us

Susan Luévano
Ethnic, Women’s, & Multicultural Studies Librarian
office: (562) 985-5891
home: (714) 447-1926 (Call me at home week of April 8-12.)

Bio:Susan Luévano, the CSULB Ethnic, Women’s & Multicultural Studies Librarian, is a graduate of the University of Oregon, School of Library Science. She has worked in academic libraries in California and Texas for 26 years. Ms. Luévano is a tenured full librarian. Susan regularly conducts information competency classes for students and faculty at CSULB. She participated on the Curriculum Team, which developed the CSULB Information Literacy Minimum Standards in 1997. In addition, she regularly attends workshops and conferences to update her knowledge and skills in this area. She is the liaison librarian with the Black Studies Department.

Tiffini Travis
Psychology & Communication Studies Librarian
office: (562) 985-7850

Bio:Tiffini Travis is the Psychology & Communications Librarian at CSU Long Beach. She received here MLS from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1998. As a librarian at CSULB, she has been involved in online as well as traditional bibliographic instruction. Ms. Travis attended ACRL’s Immersion Program at Kent State University where she learned about implementing information literacy courses. She has been an instructor at the General Education Institute at CSULB. She is currently on a taskforce for the Black Caucus of the American Library Association to develop a report on the Digital Divide and its effect on African American community.

Eileen Wakiji
Nursing & Allied Health Librarian (Not Available for answering questions)
office: (562) 985-7824

Bio:Eileen Wakiji received her library degree from the University of Southern California. She has been a reference librarian for over 20 years. In her current position, she is responsible for the following disciplines: communicative disorders, health care administration, health science, nursing, and physical therapy. Information literacy is Ms. Wakiji’s strongest area of continuing education. She was one of the first library faculty to provide information literacy workshops to CSULB faculty through the Center for Faculty Development.