Social Media in the Library @ CSULB

Twitter: @csulb_library Facebook: CSU Long Beach Library


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What is Twitter?
Twitter is a microblogging service that can be used to update multiple social networking sites as well as a link to a variety of news, professional. and individual profiles.

Twitter Shorthand

Tweet- Short posts that answer the question "what are you doing?" in 140 characters or less.

Retweet/Via (RT or via)- The indication at the beginning or end of a tweet that is using text of someone's head. Basically being cited by other tweeters. Some use via when original texts of tweets are altered.

Hashtags (#) - Tagging individual tweets so they show up in a "stream" ex. #COMM200 or #Educause2010 
@ replies/ mentions - when you send a message directed to a particular users. Usually a reply to a tweet or if you want to send something to the "attention" of other twitter users.
Direct Message(DM) a private message that does not appear in a twitter timeline
Twitter Lists - A new feature that has not been launched to all users yet. allows you to organizer people you follow in particular lists. Some third party products already have this feature (brizzly and tweetdeck)

Who uses Twitter?
Portrait of a Twitter user (Pew Internet & American Life Project)
Pushing content
Vital tools
Managing Twitter
Other uses for Twitter
Benefits of Twitter
Negatives of Twitter
Additional Reading
101 ways to use Twitter in the Classroom (has a section regarding libraries)
NC State Twitter Aggregator (something CSULB would benefit from)
How Your library should be using Twitter (ideas on things we can post)
Essential follows:
@zephoria (Danah Boyd)
Subject specific follows
Mashable Mega Twitter Lists and resources
10 high fliers on Twitter