Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Tectonic Processes at Plate Boundaries

     E. Because of the differing absolute rotations of lithospheric plates 
        over the surface of the earth, adjacent plates can experience three 
        RELATIVE motions with respect to one another:  Plates can be moving 
        apart or diverging from one another; plates can be colliding or 
        converging; and plates can be shearing alongside one another.  I'll 
        discuss some of the features of each of these three kinds of boundary 
        1. Constructive zones are defined by two adjacent plates diverging or 
           moving away from one another.  They are also known as divergent 
           zones or zones of spreading.
           a. Constructive zones are usually located in oceans, though there 
              are a couple in land areas (e.g., East Africa's Rift Zone, the 
              one filled with all those lakes, such as Lake Turkana, Lake 
              Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Nyasa).
           b. In oceans, they are marked by the great "mid oceanic ridges," 
              which are sort of like mountain ranges under the sea, emerging 
              from the abyssal plains.
                i. These can be found running down the middle of the Atlantic 
                   Ocean, the eastern and southern Pacific Ocean, and the 
                   Indian Ocean. You can see them in this figure.  The light 
                   blue areas are relatively shallow ocean water, and the mid-
                   oceanic ridges show up as slender areas of shallower water:

                   [ mid-oceanic ridges, GLOBE DEM + Smith & Sandwell bathymetry, NOAA, NAtional Geophysical Data Center 

               ii. This feature is produced by the lithospheric plates pulling 
                   apart along a line. The resulting fractures and faults 
                   allow material, often melted into magma, to well up from 
                   the æsthenosphere below, in what's thought to be a 
                   convection plume carrying heat up from the planet's core. 
              iii. Upwelling leads to vulcanism along the ridge, with great 
                   numbers of volcanoes under the sea.  
                   a. These volcanoes produce basaltic, high temperature lava 
                      (remember the Bowen Reaction Series in the lecture on 
                      the composition of the earth's crust?).
                   b. Basaltic magmas tend to be runny lavas, so these are not 
                      explosive volcanoes.  Rather, it produces "pillow 
                      basalts," smooth blobs of volcanic rock.
                   c. So, you have a lot of vulcanism in constructive zones, 
                      but it isn't particularly violent.
               iv. The convection plume, being made of hotter material 
                   upwelling from the interior, elevates the thin ocean floor 
                   in this area, creating a gradient or slope, down which the 
                   lithospheric plates can slide away from the mid-oceanic 
                   ridge, making it that much easier for new material to 
                   upwell into the rift.
                v. The magma coming up from below solidifies on either end of 
                   the two plate edges, thus creating new lithospheric 
                   material "glued" onto the edge of the plates.  That is why 
                   this area of divergent movement is called a "constructive 
                   zone":  New lithospheric material is being "constructed" in 
                   this area.  The new material slides away from the central 
                   rift with the rest of the slab.  
               vi. One of the lines of evidence supporting this mechanism of 
                   sea-floor spreading and continual renewal of the 
                   lithosphere in a constructive zone is the progressively 
                   older age of lab-dated ocean floor rocks collected from 
                   areas farther away from the mid-oceanic ridge, as you can 
                   see in this map, where reds and browns are younger rocks 
                   and greens and dark blue are old materials.


    [ world crustal age, NOAA, National Geophysical Data Center ]

              vii. As mentioned above in the discussion of the Euler 
                   Principle, this motion isn't equal all along a rift, so 
                   shear stress arises in the lithospheric plates.  Also 
                   adding to the shear stress is different rates of upwelling 
                   of æsthenospheric materials along the ridge. The 
                   result of this shear stress in rigid lithospheric material 
                   is the formation of and motion along transform faults (or 
                   strike-slip faults) to equalize the stress.
             viii. Creation of or movement along such transform faults 
                   produces frequent, shallow, low magnitude earthquakes in 
                   the region.
           c. This mechanism of sea-floor spreading, then, builds up the 
              lithosphere (i.e., adds new material to it).
           d. Such a process cannot go long unopposed: Divergence implies 
              convergence.  The creation or addition of new lithospheric 
              material must be balanced by the destruction or subtraction of 
              old lithospheric material somewhere else.
        2. Destructive zones are where plates converge (or collide) with one 
           another.  These are also known as subduction zones, because one of 
           the converging pair of plates will be carried under the other: 
           "Subduction" means carrying (duction) under (sub).
           a. As plates converge, the thinner, denser, more mafic layer slides 
              under the thicker, lighter, less mafic layer: subduction.
           b. The subducted layer eventually softens and becomes 
              indistinguishable from the æsthenosphere.  In other words, 
              lithospheric material is subtracted from the lithosphere and 
              added to the æsthenosphere.  That's why this is called a 
              destructive zone:  Lithosphere is destroyed here.
           c. Earthquakes are frequent and some can be very strong in a 
              destructive zone (another reason to call them destructive 
              zones?).  This is because the lithospheric slab is rigid and 
              does not just bend easily into the æsthenosphere (plastic 
              or elastic deformation):  It fails and it is rock failure that 
              produces earthquakes.
               i.  There is an interesting spatial pattern to earthquakes in a 
                   destructive zone.  There are a lot of shallow earthquakes  
                   right near the line of contact between the converging 
                   plates, and some of these earthquakes are quite high in 
                   magnitude.  There are also some very deep earthquakes in 
                   the region, but they have epicenters farther from the line 
                   of convergence and on just one side of it.  
                   a. The shallow (sometimes strong) quakes are being 
                      generated in the two plates as they converge.  The parts 
                      of the lithospheric plates responsible for the 
                      earthquakes are still on the surface, above the 
                      æsthenosphere, so they are cool and rigid and fail 
                      readily, and so the foci (latitude, longitude, and 
                      depth) of the earthquakes are shallow (under 60 km from 
                      the surface).
                   b. The earthquake with very deep foci (deeper than 60 km, 
                      and some have been recorded as far down as 700 km!) are 
                      coming from the subducted lithospheric slab.  These deep 
                      quakes are rarer and are responsible for only 15 percent 
                      of the earthquake energy released globally.  The 
                      reduction in frequency and overall energy release 
                      reflects the warming and softening of the subducted slab 
                      as it slides down into the æsthenosphere.
                   c. By recording the X-Y-Z coördinates (latitude, 
                      longitude, and focal depth) of earthquakes around the 
                      world, it is possible to plot them.  This creates images 
                      of the subducted plates, allowing us to "see" the 
                      structure of the mantle in the region around destructive 
                      1. The average angle of descent is about 45°.
                      2. There is a lot of variation, though:  Some slabs are 
                         descending at very gentle angles and some are sinking 
                         nearly vertically.
                   d. The classic subduction zone formed by the oceanic edges 
                      of two converging plates (e.g., the Philippine and 
                      Pacific boundary) or of one oceanic edge and one bearing 
                      a continent (e.g., the South America and Nazca boundary) 
                      is called a Wadati-Benioff Zone (or B-zone).
                   e. When subduction brings two continental masses together, 
                      subduction slows and the plates are thickened by the 
                      peeling off and accretion of buckled up ocean floor 
                      sediments and other rocks and their complex thrusting 
                      over one another, the subduction zone is called an 
                      Amferer Zone (or A-zone).  An example would be the 
                      Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya and Hindu Kush 
                      mountains marking the collision of the Indian Plate with 
                      the Eurasian Plate, which wiped out the old Tethys Sea 
                      that once existed there and created the world's tallest 
           d. Subduction also produces volcanic activity.
                i. Pressures of convergence and subduction generate great 
                   heat, and chemical metamorphoses tend to lower the melting 
                   point of lithospheric rocks.
               ii. Local pockets of rock, thus, are melted into magma.
              iii. Hot magma rises through overlying lithosphere.
               iv. Some of it never makes it to the surface.  It will rise up 
                   through cracks in the overlying rock, melting some of it as 
                   it goes (a process called anatexis), and then stop moving 
                   to the surface.  The magma, trapped in warm crust, cools 
                   very slowly and turns into intrusive igneous rocks (which 
                   ones depends on the minerals in the magma and the progress 
                   through the Bowen Reaction Series).  These trapped magma 
                   bodies are called plutons (for "way down there in Pluto's 
                   a. The largest plutons are called batholiths.  These are 
                      humongous:  The Sierra Nevada is largely one big 
                      batholith, tilted up on its east side!
                   b. Small plutons oriented in the same direction as the 
                      country rock are called sills (they may be really small, 
                      like a cm), and particularly thick sills are called 
                   c. Small plutons cutting across any layering in the country 
                      rock are called dykes.  They may be following faults or 
                      cracks and, they, too, can be very thin.
                v. Some of the magma almost makes it to the surface in a 
                   volcano but the eruption ends and the magma solidifies in 
                   the throat of the volcano, forming plugs.  You can see one 
                   in a pleasant weekend drive up to Morro Bay:  Morro Rock in 
                   the harbor is a volcanic plug, and you can make out several 
                   others in a line from Morro Bay to San Luis Obispo. 
               vi. Magma that makes it to the surface produces volcanoes, and 
                   magma extruded onto the surface is called lava.
              vii. As the process of subduction continues, volcanoes multiply: 
                   They tend to occur in groups or lines. 
             viii. At sea, they produce seamounts, some of which break the 
                   surface to become volcanic islands, then arcs of volcanic 
                   islands (e.g., the Lesser Antilles in the eastern 
                   Caribbean), then archipelagos of fused volcanic islands 
                   (e.g., the Greater Antilles of Cuba, Jamaica, Santo 
                   Domingo, and Puerto Rico).  
                   a. In the tropics, volcanoes often support coral, which 
                      produces a reef around a volcanic island.
                   b. Sometimes, there's no central volcanic island.  Instead, 
                      there's  an atoll of coral-based islands ringed around a 
                      central lagoon where a seamount never broke the surface 
                      or where it was eroded below the surface of the sea or 
                      was covered by rising sea levels. You see these all over 
                      the South Pacific, such as Enewetok (where the first 
                      hydrogen bomb was tested ....).
               ix. Volcanoes will also develop on continental crust where 
                   convergence has brought continental crust to the 
                   destructive zone.  The magmas that produce these volcanoes 
                   often incorporate a lot of continental granite-related 
                   rocks through anatexis.  With their lower melting point and 
                   greater viscosity and gassiness, such magmas can produce 
                   explosive eruptions.  
                x. Volcano types reflect the different types of magma 
                   supplying them and their locations on more granitic 
                   continental crust or more basaltic oceanic crust.
                   a. Shield volcanoes are those derived from the hottest, 
                      least viscous, runniest magmas, which are relatively 
                      enriched in ferro-magnesian minerals and relatively 
                      impoverished in silica.  Such magmas produce runny, 
                      dribbly eruptions, not the violent sorts like Pompeii or 
                      Thera or Mt. St. Helens.  The low viscosity lava 
                      produces a low angle, broad-based volcano, usually out 
                      at sea.  Seen in cross-section, they would sprawl out in 
                      a shape resembling an ancient warrior's shield, hence 
                      the name.  The low angle makes them look low, but they 
                      can attain amazing heights.  Think of Hawai'i's Mauna 
                      Kea:  It's over 4 km above sea level (13,000 ft.), but 
                      it rises from the sea floor 8 km (26,000 ft.) below sea 
                      level!!!!  It is taller than Everest, if you consider 
                      its base on the sea floor!

                      [ Mauna Kea seen from Mauna Loa, Hawaiian 
Center for Volcanology ] 
                   b. Cinder cones are those formed from more felsic magmas, 
                      which are silica enriched, viscous, gassy, and ... 
                      explosive.  They shoot lava into the air, where it cools 
                      pretty instantly to form tephra, and falls around the 
                      volcano's vent, building up a steep cone of ash and 
                      tephra.  Nasty little affairs.  These are the classic 
                      volcanoes most people think of when they do think about 
                      them at all.

                      [ Red Cones, Mammoth, C.D. Miller, 1982, USGS 

                   c. Stratocones or composite volcanoes are "undecided" 
                      volcanoes:  They alternate between explosive rhyolitic 
                      phases and runny basaltic phases.  A cinder cone forms 
                      in an explosive era and is then cemented by a runny 
                      eruption which consolidates the cinder materials and 
                      protects them from rapid erosion.  It may revert from 
                      runny to explosive several times, which allows the 
                      mountain to grow to truly impressive and scenic heights.  
                      The most beautiful volcanoes on Earth are stratocones:  
                      Shasta, Fuji, Kilimanjaro.

                      [ Mt. Shasta, USGS, Lyn Topinka, 1984 ]

           e. Tsunamis are often produced by subduction-related earthquakes 
              and volcanic activity.
                i. These are seismic shock waves in water.
               ii. They are sometimes popularly called "tidal waves," but they 
                   have nothing to do with tides, so that's a misleading name. 
              iii. These are long period, fast-traveling waves:  They can hit 
                   700 km/hr!!!
               iv. When they encounter the shoals, where the seabed becomes 
                   shallow as it approaches land (especially if it's a long, 
                   gradual rise), the wave is forced to slow by interacting 
                   with the sea bed.  This increases its amplitude (because 
                   it's still delivering the same amount of energy), and the 
                   wave suddenly changes from a nearly imperceptible blip out 
                   at sea (high speed, low amplitude) to a huge crest crashing 
                   on the shore.  The height of the wave at the shore can be 
                   10-20 times its height out at sea.  So, a 1 m wave out on 
                   the open sea can be 10-20 m (say, 30-65 ft. or so) when it 
                v. Tsunamis are major killers, because they travel so fast and 
                   it's hard to get warnings out to everyone in their paths 
                   and get them evacuated in time (and in the 1964 Alaskan 
                   earthquake tsunami, Californians actually ran down to the 
                   beach to see "the big wave" -- natural selection in 
               vi. If you have a fast computer and a fast connection to the 
                   Internet, you may enjoy opening an animation by Professor 
                   Nobuo Shuto of the Disaster Control Research Center, Tohoku 
                   University, Japan, which shows the the 1960 tsunami 
                   generated by the 9.5 1960 Chile earthquake across the 
                   Pacific.  You can view this animation with the Quick Time 
                   Movie Player by clicking here.
           f. Subduction also creates oceanic trenches, the deepest places on 
                i. These are the notches between the edge of one lithospheric 
                   plate and the bent back of the subducted plate.
               ii. The deepest such trench is the Marianas Trench (over 11 km 
                   deep! It separates the Philippines Plate from the Pacific. 
                   You could cut Everest (8.8 km tall) off at the base, turn 
                   it upside down, and drop it in the Marianas Trench -- and 
                   you would lose it!!!
              iii. A few of the other trenches:
                   a. The Peru-Chile Trench is the longest one on Earth, 
                      nearly 6,000 km long, running along the west coast of 
                      South America (where the Nazca Plate is being 
                   b. The Puerto Rican Trench separates the Caribbean Plate 
                      from the North American.
                   c. The Aleutian Trench is off the coast of Alaska, 
                      separating the northern (Arctic) part of the North 
                      American Plate from the Pacific Plate.
                   d. The Philippines Trench is between the Philippines Plate 
                      and the Eurasian.
           g. Subduction is also responsible for just the opposite of 
              trenching: Orogeny or mountain building.
                i. Orogeny can be accomplished through vulcanism, but I 
                   covered that earlier in discussing volcanic hazards.
               ii. Orogeny can also be brought about by folding and faulting.
                   a. As long as oceans exist, their floors are coated with 
                      pelagic sediments (dust and the remains of sea creatures 
                      great and small) and with sediments derived from the 
                      erosion of the continents.  These sediments build up 
                      great beds of marine sedimentary rock.
                   b. These materials do not subduct into the 
                      æsthenosphere along with the basaltic lithospheric 
                      slab, because they are less dense and more buoyant than 
                      the basalt:  They bunch up and eventually accrete onto 
                      the edges of continental landmasses sliding down towards 
                      the destructive zone.
                   c. Too, when plates converge and one or both has 
                      continental crust on it, that material will also not be 
                      subducted, again because it is too buoyant to be 
                      subducted.  It, too, bunches up and slivers and thrusts 
                      up to build the thickness of the continental crust.
                   d. Rock can resist a certain amount of compression, 
                      tension, and shear stress up to a point.
                      1. If it bends but then rebounds when the stress is 
                         relieved, it is said to have undergone elastic 
                      2. If it bends but then no longer is capable of 
                         straightening out, it is said to have undergone 
                         plastic deformation.  Plastic deformation can fold 
                         rock in all kinds of ways and thereby build up 
                         mountain ranges.
                         A. Rock layers bent upward form an anticline.
                         B. Rock layers bent downward form a syncline.
                         C. Anticlines and synclines normally alternate.
                         D. If the folds become truly extreme and the rock 
                            bends back on itself, you have a recumbent fold.

                            [ diagram of anticline and syncline, Devil's Punchbowl educational site ] 

                            [ photograph of anticlines and synclines near Calico, California, Allen Glazner, Geosciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ]

                        E. You can even get situations where the anticlines 
                            and synclines themselves dip into the ground in 
                            the direction of their central axis or strike:  
                            These are called plunging anticlines and synclines

                         [ plunging anticlines and synclines, E. Mantei, SMSU ]

                      3. If rock fails under the stresses, there will be an 
                         earthquake, and the result will be the production of 
                         a fault or its extension or readjustment.  This 
                         photograph shows both folding (a syncline, an 
                         anticline, AND a fault): 

                         [ anticlines and synclines and fault photograph,  Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison ]

                         A. Faults have dips and strikes and rakes.  
                              I. The dip is the angle the fault makes with the 
                                 ground, dipping below the surface at 
                                 thus-and-such an angle.  
                             II. The strike is the direction of a line the 
                                 fault plane makes by intersecting with the 
                                 ground.  The fault may well be visible on the 
                                 surface as some sort of irregularity (a ridge, 
                                 a trench, a scarp or small cliff, or a distortion 
                                 in the path of streams that cross it), but it may 
                                 make absolutely no evident trace on the 
                                 ground if it's buried by stream deposition or 
                                 other such processes.

                            [ strike, slip, and rake of a fault, ]

                         B. Faults largely responding to tensional (pulling) 
                            stress typically take the form of normal faults, 
                            where one block, the hanging wall, moves down the 
                            dip, sliding down over the other block below, the 
                            foot wall.  If this is common in a region, it can 
                            produce a landscape alternating between fault 
                            block mountains (horsts) and grabens, or sunken 
                            valleys between them. A good example of a horst 
                            and graben system is the Death Valley graben and 
                            the Funeral horst to its east and the Panamint 
                            horst to its west.

                            [ normal fault, USGS ]

                         C. Faults largely responding to compressional 
                            (squeezing) stresses often form reverse faults, 
                            where the hanging wall (the upper block) moves UP 
                            the dip.  In extreme cases, you can get a thrust 
                            fault, where the hanging wall is completely 
                            squeezed out on top of the footwall. 

                            [ reverse fault, USGS ]

                         D. Shear stress produces strike slip faults (like the 
                            transform faults that cross the mid-oceanic ridges 
                            in constructive zones and the San Andreas Fault, 
                            about which more later).  Movement is horizontal 
                            along the trace of the fault plane with the 

                            [ strike-slip fault, USGS ]

                              I. If you are standing on one side of a strike-
                                 slip fault and see the landscape on the other 
                                 side has been displaced to your right after 
                                 an earthquake, you are looking at a "right-
                                 lateral" fault.
                             II. If the landscape on the other side is shifted 
                                 to your left, you're at a "left-lateral" 
                            III. California is dominated by right-lateral 
                                 faults, including the San Andreas; one rare 
                                 example of a left-lateral fault is the 
                                 Garlock Fault, which forms the southernmost 
                                 boundary of the Sierra Nevada (the part 
                                 called the Tehachapi Mountains) and the 
                                 Antelope Valley up in the Mojave Desert. 
                         E. Of course, in the "real world," what we usually 
                            see is faults and earthquakes that show some 
                            aspects of more than one "pure" fault type:  You 
                            might see lateral motion along a strike-slip fault 
                            that also has some vertical displacement, too.
                         F. The dominant fault type in a destructive plate 
                            zone boundary, though, is the reverse fault (and 
                            its thrust variants) because of the extreme 
                            compressional forces associated with subduction.
                         G. There can be normal faulting in the lithospheric 
                            plate above a subducted slab, though, as a 
                            subducted plate can actually create tensional 
                            forces by bulging a wide area of the overlying 
                            plate.  For example, the basin-and-range 
                            topography of the American West between the 
                            Sierras/Cascades and the Rocky Mountains 
                            (alternating horsts and grabens) is being produced 
                            by the wide tensional forces associated with the 
                            burial of the Farallon Plate under the American 
                            West (remember that buried major plate that 
                            remains on the surface only in the Juan de Fuca 
                            platelets and the Cocos minor plate and the Rivera 
        3. Conservative zones are still other boundaries between adjacent 
           plates in which the dominant relative motion of the two plates is 
           lateral and the dominant stress exerting force on it is shear. 
           a. Averaged out over the entire boundary, the lithosphere is 
              neither created nor destroyed here, hence it is "conservative" 
              of matter, leading to the catchy name.
           b. A transform fault or strike-slip system divides the two plates 
              along a conservative contact.  So motion is mostly lateral, 
              similar to the motion seen along the transform faults that cut 
              perpendicularly across a constructive zone's rift zone.
           c. Conservative zones are nearly as much "fun" as a destructive 
              zone, because earthquakes are frequent and can be quite strong.
                i. In the section on destructive zones, I explained fault 
                   morphology (normal and reverse dip-slip faults and strike-
                   slip faults) and I mentioned epicenters and foci.  Since 
                   earthquakes are so common in conservative zones, I might as 
                   well elaborate a bit more on quakes.
               ii. The focus of an earthquake is the actual area where the 
                   rock fails, producing or moving along a fault plane and 
                   creating displacement vertically or horizontally or both.  
                   The epicenter is the area on the surface directly above the 

                   [ epicenter and focus, USGS ]

              iii. Earthquake strength can be measured either as magnitude or 
                   a. Magnitude measures the actual energy released released 
                      during an earthquake.  There are several ways of 
                      measuring magnitude, but the two most commonly 
                      encountered are the local magnitude (or Richter scale) 
                      and the moment magnitude (a more comprehensive scale 
                      that roughly parallels the Richter).
                      1. The local magnitude (ML) scale was devised 
                         by Charles Richter of Caltech back in 1935.  It 
                         involves measuring the amplitude of earthquake waves 
                         recorded on a seismograph. Amplitude is the height of 
                         a wave crest or the depth of a wave trough, oh, heck, 
                         here's a picture:
                         [ transverse wave characteristics ]

                         Anyhow, Richter measured the largest amplitude wave 
                         on a Wood-Anderson seismograph in millimeters, took 
                         its logarithm, and then factored in distance from the 
                         focus (which has to do with the difference in arrival 
                         times between the primary and the secondary wave 
                         fronts) to create his scale. Each whole number 
                         difference reflects a difference in amplitude of 10 
                         times the amplitude of the next lower number, and the 
                         difference in actual energy release is about 31 or 32 

                         [ Richter scale calculation, J. Louie, 
University of Nevada Reno, 1996 ]

                      2. There are several problems with this quick 'n' dirty 
                         approach, though, which makes the Richter system max 
                         out around 8 or so, when there is quite a variation 
                         in actual energy release among great earthquakes that 
                         is not reflected in the ML scale.  So, all 
                         sorts of magnitude scales have been devised for 
                         particular situations, but the most comprehensive and 
                         intellectually satisfying one is the Moment Magnitude 
                         scale (Mw), which measures magnitude as a 
                         function of the rigidity or shear strength of the 
                         rocks involved, the area of the fault plane that 
                         moved (reflected in the pattern of aftershocks), and 
                         the average displacement along that plane.  While 
                         this system of measuring magnitude correlates with 
                         the Richter scale and other ground-motion based 
                         magnitude scales up to about M=7 or 8, it has no 
                         upper limit and can accurately represent truly 
                         monster quakes.
                   b. Earthquake strength can also be expressed as intensity, 
                      which measures an earthquake's severity in terms of its 
                      effect on people and the built and physical 
                      environments.  The measurement system used is the 
                      Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale. 
                      1. It varies from I (generally not felt) to XII (total 
                         destruction).  For the whole scale, you can visit 
                         this link.
                      2. Variations in it can be mapped for a single 
                         earthquake (magnitude is aspatial:  It describes the 
                         energy released at the focus not its effects away 
                         from the epicenter, so there are no variations for a 
                         given quake to map).  You can see one created for the 
                         Loma Prieta quake of 1989 by visiting this 
               iv. Earthquakes generate several types of wave motion.
                   a. Body waves move through the body of the earth. There are 
                      two types:
                      1. Primary waves are comPressional waves, those in which 
                         the motion of individual rock molecules is back-and-
                         forth along the direction the wave is traveling.  
                         These are the fastest-moving waves and, so, they 
                         arrive at any seismometer first (primary).
                      2. Secondary waves are Shear waves.  Molecular motion is 
                         back-and-forth at right angles to the path the waves 
                         are moving.  These waves travel more slowly than 
                         primary waves and, so, they arrive at a seismometer 
                         later than the primary waves do.  
                         A. The difference in arrival times tells you how far 
                            the focus of the earthquake is.  Remember that was 
                            how Richter corrected his local magnitude scale 
                            for distance in the graph above.
                         B. These are the waves that cannot pass through 
                            liquids and the seismic shadow on the other side 
                            of the earth from a quake, where no secondary 
                            waves are recorded, tells us the outer core of the 
                            earth is liquid (see lecture 28).
                         [ primary and secondary waves, Exploratorium ]

                   b. Surface waves travel along surfaces, including the 
                      surface of the earth and some discontinuities in the 
                      crust.  They travel more slowly than either body wave 
                      and their amplitude is such that they do a lot of damage 
                      on the surface.  There are a couple of these, too:
                      1. Love waves are horizontal along the surface, the rock 
                         molecules moving back-and-forth along the surface at 
                         right angles to the path the wave is travelling.
                      2. Rayleigh waves are like waves in the ocean: Rock 
                         molecules move in a circular pattern like a Ferris 
                         wheel, the motion at the top of the cycle pointing in 
                         the direction the wave itself is coming from.

                         [ Love and Rayleigh waves, Exploratorium ]

                   c. These waves travel at constant speed ratios to one 
                      another, with primary waves always being the fastest 
                      ones, but all waves are affected by the materials 
                      through which they travel and change their speeds (while 
                      preserving the ratios among their speeds).
                      1. They all go faster in more rigid, well-consolidated 
                         materials (e.g., solid granite) and slower in less 
                         consolidated materials (e.g., loose sand or clay).
                      2. They go faster in uniform materials than they do in 
                         mixed materials.
                      3. They all go faster in denser materials.
                   d. There is a nasty trade-off between speed and amplitude, 
                      however.  As with all waves, they are carrying a given 
                      amount of energy, which sets their speed, frequency, and 
                      amplitude.  Slowing down necessarily means an increase 
                      in amplitude to carry the same amount of energy.  So, 
                      that is why earthquakes aren't as violent in solid, 
                      dense, uniform rock materials as they are in 
                      unconsolidated, mixed, low-density alluvium (river 
                      deposited materials) in valleys. The alluvial materials 
                      are subject to liquefaction in a violent quake 
                      (vibrating so much that the soil grains lose all bonds 
                      with one another -- and all material strength -- so that 
                      they can't support buildings).  On the other hand, 
                      though, homes on hills are vulnerable to landslides 
                      during a quake. 
           d. Now, while earthquakes are a very significant hazard in a 
              conservative zone, much as in a destructive zone, vulcanism is 
              not as common nor is it as violent in conservative zones as it 
              is in destructive zones.  While there may be local small areas 
              of subduction and divergence here and there in a conservative 
              zone because of irregularities in the transform fault system 
              that defines it, this is never of such a large scale as to 
              produce a serious volcanic hazard.  So much for that movie, 
              "Volcano," set in Los Angeles!
           e. Our San Andreas system is an example of such a zone. The San 
              Andreas Fault separates the North American Plate (southeast 
              motion in this area) from the Pacific Plate (northwest motion in 
              this area).  So, despite California's trendy culture, we really 
              are in a conservative zone (geologically)!
        4. At the average speed of continental drift (global positioning 
           satellite (GPS) measurements show speeds of 1-15 cm/year), the 
           entire lithosphere should get recycled roughly every 200,000,000 
           years or so.
           a. This is supported by the fact that ocean floors have nowhere 
              been dated much older than 200,000,000 years, showing mafic 
              ocean crust does indeed recycle.  You can see this for yourself 
              by revisiting the map of ocean floor ages above.  See the blue 
              area on the map farthest from the mid-oceanic rifts?  Check out 
              its age on the map's legend.
           b. But the continental crust has been securely dated in some areas 
              as old as 3.96 BILLION years old (in eastern Canada) and there 
              are some zircons in younger rock that have been dated back to 
              4.1-4.2 billion years.  This at first seems paradoxical, until 
              you remember the light, felsic nature of the topmost continental 
              crustal layer. Its lightness keeps a continents' rock matter on 
              top, not subducted and renewed.  
           c. In this manner, a relatively stable, thick craton has been built 
              as the core or skeleton of each continent.  Cratons are ancient, 
              vast areas of metamorphosed rock.  
                i. At the surface, a craton that has been eroded smooth in the 
                   course of hundreds of millions or billions of years of 
                   relative stability is referred to as a shield.
               ii. A platform is a part of a craton, which is buried by 
                   sedimentary rocks, so you can't see the crystalline 
                   basement rocks right on the surface.
           d. The edges of the craton accumulate terranes, the flotsam and 
              jetsam of the lithosphere, and, thus, the continents are much 
              larger than the cratons at their cores.
           e. A particular episode of subduction comes to an end whenever two 
              continental landmasses are brought together at a convergent 
              zone, because neither can be subducted.  This is probably how 
              the cratons were built up and why they're relatively free of 
              earthquakes and vulcanism now.  India isn't going to get much 
              farther into Eurasia, and so we may be seeing the beginning of 
              what might be a stable craton a couple hundred million years 
              from now!
        5. Quickie history of plate tectonics and continental drift.          
           a. Back around 600 million years ago, all the landmasses were 
              together near the South Pole region, forming a huge 
              supercontinent called "Rodinia."  There was one great ocean, the 
              Panthalassic Ocean, to its north. 
           b. The supercontinent began breaking up into a number of pieces, 
              largely concentrated in the Southern Hemisphere, about 530 
              million years ago.
           c. These had sort of clumped into two large groups by 430 million 
              years ago, with a new ocean between them, the "Caledonian 
           d. By 300 million years ago, these two had clumped up together 
              again, to form another supercontinent, "Pangæa," 
              concentrated longitudinally roughly about the Prime Meridian, 
              its bulk in the Southern Hemisphere but with a significant 
              portion well into the Northern Hemisphere.  A new ocean, the 
              Tethys Ocean, was opening up like a pie slice on the eastern 
           e. Around 150 million years ago, Pangæa had begun breaking 
              into two huge continents, as the mouth of the Tethys Sea opened 
              up westward.     
                i. The northern great continent was "Laurasia" (named for the 
                   Laurentian Shield, the exposed part of the North 
                   American craton regions, and Eurasia).  It included 
                   the land that would become North America, Eurasia north of 
                   the Alpine system (e.g., Alps and Himalayas), and 
               ii. The southern great continent was Gondwana (named for 
                   ancient rock formations in the Gondwana District of India, 
                   where an Austrian geologist named Edward Suess began to 
                   suspect that Africa, India, South America, Antarctica, and 
                   Australia once belonged to a single supercontinent he 
                   called Gondwanaland after these rock formations that 
                   resembled those on the other continents).  
           f. By 100 million years ago, Laurasia and Gondwana began to break 
              apart with the formation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge system that 
              would eventually be covered by the young Atlantic Ocean.  India 
              broke off around this time and started moving toward Eurasia, 
              pushed by the rifts opened in the young Indian Ocean.  
              Antarctica, Africa, and Australia were pushing apart by then, 
           g. By 20 million years ago, India had smacked into Eurasia, wiping 
              out the Tethys Sea in between and forming the Himalayas and 
              Tibetan Plateau, and the other continents were fully 
              recognizable as the modern continents.
           i. You can read about this in more detail and view world maps of 
              the process by clicking here.
        6. From looking at this history and perhaps reviewing the maps on the 
           linked page (5.i), you may suspect that, on a grand enough scale, 
           we're looking at a cyclical process, and you would be right.  
           Continents diverge and converge, oceans form in rift zones and 
           expand as the continents diverge and then shrink out of existence 
           as the continents converge.  This idea is called the "Wilson 
           Cycle."  In ideal form, it looks like the image below, and you can 
           learn about it in more detail if you like by clicking here, and this 
           page can lead you to an even more detailed explanation.

           [ Wilson Cycle, L. Fichter, Geol & Env Sci, James Madison U ]

And that's about it for tectonic plate boundary types.  Make sure you know the 
three boundary types (constructive, destructive, and conservative) and the 
relative motion of adjacent plates in each (divergent, convergent, and 
shearing, respectively).  Be sure of the prominent features of each of these 
three zones, including the nature, location, frequency, and magnitude of 
associated hazards (volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami).  

Know the different shapes of volcanoes and the kinds of magmas that typically 
produce them.  Remember the landforms that these volcanoes can produce out at 

Make sure you recognize the different types of deformation that rocks can 
undergo. Remember the names of the folded structures that plastic deformation 
can produce in sedimentary rock, as well as the different types of fault that 
rock failure can produce.  

Know the difference between epicenter and focus (sometimes called 
"hypocenter") and between magnitude and intensity.  Know the difference betwee 
local magnitude (Richter scale) and moment magnitude and their relative 

Be able to describe the four main types of seismic waves in terms of their 
media (body or surface), their relative speeds, and how a slow-down in their 
speeds affects their amplitude and why that is important in understanding the 
distribution of damages from a given earthquake. 

Be able to explain why ocean floor rocks are generally younger than 
200,000,000 years, while continental rocks in cratons can be billions of years 
old.  Have a general idea of the history of Earth's continents and oceans over 
the last 600,000,000 years and how that relates to the Wilson Cycle.


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 11/06/00
Last revised: 07/05/07
