Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Overland fluvial Processes


     F. Fluvial processes entail the erosion, transportation, and deposition 
        of earth materials by running water.
        1. Fluvial processes and fluvial landforms dominate land surfaces the 
           world over, as opposed to the limited effects of glacial, coastal, 
           and wind processes.  This is true even in deserts:  Even though 
           deserts are so dry, when they do get rain, it's often torrential 
           and can generate flash floods.  Most of the geomorphic work of 
           desert streams is done in a few flood events.
        2. There are two major groups of fluvial landforms:
           a. Erosional, e.g.,
                i. river valleys, canyons, ravines, gullies, and rills
               ii. the unconsumed mountains, hills, and ridges in between them
              iii. caverns in limestone
           b. Depositional, e.g.,
                i. Floodplains
               ii. Alluvial fans (formed where a stream flows out of a canyon 
                   onto a flatter surface)
              iii. Deltas (formed where a stream flows out into the sea or 
               iv. Stalactites and stalagmites.
        3. There are three major groups of fluvial processes:
           a. Overland flow 
           b. Stream flow
           c. Underground flow
        4. This lecture concentrates on overland processes.
           a. Fluvial action begins on the uplands of drainage basins, when 
              precipitation intensity exceeds infiltration capacity and 
           b. Some definitions:
                i. Drainage basins are the catchment areas for a given stream.
                   a. They are separated from one another by drainage divides 
                      (hills, ridges, and mountains):  Precipitation that 
                      falls on one side of a drainage divide flows into 
                      Drainage Basin A; if it falls just a meter away over the 
                      divide, it flows into a neighboring drainage basin, 
                      let's call it "B."
                   b. These are also called catchments or watersheds.
                   c. An older usage for "watershed" was "drainage divide," 
                      but that's not common these days.
                   d. Actually, some precipitation that falls in Drainage 
                      Basin A may still wind up in a stream in Drainage Basin 
                      B, if it infiltrates into the soil and enters an aquifer 
                      (or underground water-transporting rock layer), which 
                      moves the water over to a spring in Drainage Basin B.  
                      Groundwater can complicate catchment "accounting."
               ii. Precipitation intensity is the amount of water that falls 
                   in a given period of time, such as in cm/hr or in./hr.  
              iii. Infiltration capacity is the amount of water a soil surface 
                   can sieve downward into itself in a given period of time.  
                   Infiltration capacity is affected by:
                   a. Soil texture:  Infiltration capacity varies directly 
                      with clast size.  In other words, the bigger the clasts 
                      (and the spaces in between them), the greater the 
                      capacity of a material to drain water down through 
                      1. Clayey soils (made up of very fine clasts, less than 
                         0.002 mm in size) have very small interstitial spaces 
                         or pores and a tremendous amount of surface area 
                         compared to volume.  
                         A. Think of a cube of something, like, oh, Silly 
                            Putty, let's say 1 cubic centimeter in size.  So, 
                            its surface area would be, oh, 6 square 
                            centimeters, right (1 sq. cm per side, and 6 
                         B. Now, cut it in half.  You now have the same 
                            volume, 1 cubic centimeter, but you now have 8 sq. 
                            cm of surface area (the two new faces you made 
                            with your cut).  Do it again, and you have 10 sq. 
                            cm per cubic centimeter.  And so on.
                         C. With that much surface area, water has that much 
                            more opportunity to bond to clay (adsorb) and hang 
                            out near the ground's surface, rather than 
                            infiltrating downward.  This is hygroscopic water.
                         D. Just beyond the layer of water adsorbed onto the 
                            clay, there is capillary water (water molecules 
                            clinging to other water molecules, including those 
                            adsorbed onto the clay), which basically fills the 
                            tiny pore spaces in a densely packed clay soil:  
                            There is little opportunity for water to migrate 
                            downward with all these sticky attractors keeping 
                            it from responding to gravity. Only the water 
                            beyond the water subject to capillary attraction 
                            is free to move downward in the soil in response 
                            to gravity.  This is gravitational water.

                            [ chemically and physically bound water 
in soil, capillary water, gravitational water, VICAIRE, Virtual Campus in 
hydrology and water resources ]

                         E. Even soils containing other, larger materials, 
                            such as sand, can still get clogged if the clays 
                            in them migrate and plug up their larger pore 
                      2. Soils dominated by larger clasts (e.g., silts, which 
                         are about 0.002 mm to 0.05 mm in size, and sands, 
                         which are 0.05 mm to 2 mm in size), as long as there 
                         isn't much clay in them, have relatively low surface 
                         area for their volume and large pore spaces.  There 
                         is little surface for water to adsorb onto, and the 
                         spaces are so big that there is space beyond the 
                         capillary layer of water stuck to water that's 
                         adsorbed.  This space is large enough for 
                         gravitational water to form:  water that can respond 
                         to gravity and pour down from pore to pore into the 
                   b. Soil cover also affects infiltration capacity.
                      1. Litter and roots restrict overland flow through 
                         frictional resistance and acting like micro-dams, 
                         which give precipitation a little more time to filter 
                         down into the ground.
                      2. Also, soil cover protects bare ground from splash 
                         A. Water droplets smacking into the ground after a 
                            long fall from a cloud have pretty high terminal 
                         B. Soil particles smacked by a raindrop are compacted 
                            a bit, which partly seals the surface.
                         C. They are also shifted around a little bit and 
                            drift downslope (soil creep) and tend to clog any 
                            natural openings in the soil, which also helps 
                            seal the surface against infiltration.
               iv. Evaporation rate is a trivial consideration, generally, 
                   because it drops to near zero in most storms. 
           c. Overland flow, then, is directly related to Precipitation 
              intensity and inversely related to Infiltration capacity and 

              O = P - I - E

           d. The rôle of overland flow:
                i. By exerting a dragging force over the slope surface, 
                   overland flow picks up particles of mineral matter and 
                   pulls them downslope.
                   a. This includes clastic materials (clays to gravel and 
                      larger rocks).
                   b. It may also include dissolved ions.
               ii. This slow movement of soil downslope is a part of the 
                   natural gradation of land surfaces and goes on 
                   a. Normally, the rate of overland erosion in humid climates 
                      is slow enough to allow a chemically profiled true soil 
                      to develop and maintain itself and the plant communities 
                      dependent on it.
                   b. Soil easily develops under stable, humid conditions, and 
                      typically develops a profile of distinct layers:
                      1. A topsoil or zone of eluviation from which basic 
                         nutrients (e.g., calcium, potassium, phosphorous) are 
                         removed downward by gravitational water.
                      2. A subsoil or zone of illuviation where these 
                         nutrients are deposited.
                      3. A layer of weathering rock materials (regolith).
                      4. And, possibly, below them, a layer of unaltered 
                   c. A profiled soil is a mature soil and it can accommodate 
                      the removal of topsoil by overland flow as long as that 
                      removal isn't faster than the processes that create and 
                      maintain profile development (pedogenic processes).  
              iii. Accelerated erosion is something else:  Overland flow 
                   removes materials faster than pedogenic processes can work 
                   to maintain a well-developed soil.
                   a. This happens naturally, because of natural changes in 
                      climate regimes through geologic time
                   b. It can also happen naturally because of tectonic uplift 
                      changing local slope angles, which speeds up water flow.
                   c. More commonly, over the last few thousand years, 
                      accelerated erosion is the result of human activity:
                      1. Humans alter fire regimes in vegetation.  Fire 
                         naturally leads to temporary removal of the plant 
                         cover and accelerated erosion, but human society will 
                         change the frequency and the magnitude of this 
                         temporary accelerated erosion.
                      2. Agriculture and animal grazing produce denudation 
                         (clearing) of natural vegetation and soil compaction.
                      3. Mining activities create slopes vulnerable to 
                         overland flow
                      4. Urbanization seals off soil, leading to faster 
                         overland flow, which then races across bare slopes.
           e. Forms of overland erosion and deposition (especially of 
              accelerated erosion):
                i. Rain splash on bare slopes leads to sealing of the slopes 
                   (a reduction in infiltration capacity), which leads to 
                   sheet erosion.
               ii. Steep slopes subjected to heavy precipitation may form 
                   rills, small gouges in the slope, as tiny irregularities in 
                   the surface begin to channel overland flow (this is sort of 
                   the transition to channeled or stream flow, actually).  You 
                   can see this here in the Cinder Cones and Lava Beds Natural 
                   Landmark Area in the Mojave Desert (remember that fluvial 
                   erosion dominates even arid landscapes through the 
                   disproportionate effect of the few storm events):

                   [ rills on a cinder cone in the north central 
                   Mojave, USGS ]

              iii. Rills may grow into larger gullies if not smoothed out by 
                   tilling, which can fuse into one another and become humid 
                   climate badlands.
               iv. The material washed off through sheet erosion or from rills 
                   and gullies may be deposited at the base of the slope as 
                   colluvium (overland flow depositional landform):  If this 
                   material makes it to a stream, the stream may carry it off 
                   as part of its sediment load and deposit it downstream as 
                   alluvium (stream depositional material).
                v. One of the most dramatic examples of accelerated erosion is 
                   seen in the photograph below.  Where do you think this 
                   would be?  Some desert?  Mais non -- it's Copper 
                   Hill, Tennessee.  Yes, Tennessee.  What happened here is 
                   there used to be a copper smelter nearby, which emitted 
                   sulphur into the air, which became sulphuric acid, which 
                   killed the forest that used to live on these slopes!  
                   Assisting the deforestation were logging operations.  With 
                   the trees dead and gone, the denuded soil surface was 
                   subject to sheet erosion and gullying.  

                   [ accelerated erosion, Copper Hill, TN, TN 
                   History for Kids, Ducktown Basin ] 

                   [ smelter, 1912, Copper Hill, TN, TN History for 
                   Kids, Ducktown Basin ]

Come away from this lecture knowing the definition of fluvial processes.  Be 
aware that fluvial landscapes dominate land surfaces.  Be able to 
differentiate erosional from depositional fluvial landforms and what the three 
classes of fluvial processes are.

With respect to overland flow, know when overland flow is likely to take place 
and the factors that affect soil infiltration capacity.  Know the formula for 
predicting the amount of overland flow.  Know physically how overland flow 
denudes slopes and be able to distinguish normal denudation from accelerated 
erosion.  Know that mature, stable soils develop layered profiles and know 
what the four common layers are. Recognize the major overland flow landforms.


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 12/03/00
Last revised: 07/08/07
