Linguistics readings


In Film, Stuttering Symptoms Reflect Current Research

To Fight Stuttering, Doctors Take a Close Look at the Brain

VITAL SIGNS: INSIGHTS; Studying the Roots of Stuttering (short article)

Teaching English abroad

American Voices, Far From Home

Animals and human language

Sit. Stay. Parse. Good Girl!

Child language development

Understanding ‘Ba Ba Ba’ as a Key to Development

Too Young for School, but Ready for Irony

Mom's Ums And Uhs Can Help Toddlers Learn Language (NPR)

L2 learning


Language and thought

Words Cannot Express

Does Your Language Shape How You Think?

Child bilingualism

Looking for Baby Sitters: Foreign Language a Must

Reading development

Summer must-read for kids: any book


It's Not the Sights, It's the Sounds

Linguistic fieldwork

How Linguists and Missionaries Share a Bible of 6,912 Languages

Linguist’s Preservation Kit Has New Digital Tools


Linguists Debating Deepest Roots of Language

Linguists Dig Deeper Into Origins of Language