Barbara Lemaster.


Barbara LeMaster, Ph.D.                

      Professor, California State University, Long Beach  
      Departments of Anthropology and Linguistics

LeMaster, B., K. Quintiliani, A. Hunt. “Bringing Communities and the University Together: Applied Anthropology at California State University, Long Beach”.  Submitted to the Annals of Anthropological Practice (the journal from the American Anthropological Association (AAA) National Association of Practicing Anthropologists (NAPA)).  The article has been reviewed by the guest editors, and has now gone out for blind peer review.  Guest Editors are Linda Bennett and Linda Whiteford.
LeMaster, B.  2010. “Authority and Preschool Disputes:  Learning to behave in the classroom,” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 20: 166-178.
LeMaster, B., Rezenet Moges, Christopher Trueblood. 2007. ""Gendered Phonology in Irish Sign Language" to be published in the proceedings of the 4th International Gender and Language Association meetings held in Valencia, Spain.
LeMaster, B.  2006.  Language Contraction, Revitalization and Irish Women.  In Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 16:2:211-228
LeMaster, B. and L. Monaghan. 2006. “Variation in Sign Languages.”  Reprinted in Monaghan, Leila (editor), Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication.  Pp. 426-430.
LeMaster, B. and L. Monaghan. 2004. “Variation in Sign Languages.” In Alessandro Duranti (Ed.) A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology. Blackwell Press. Pp. 141-166.
LeMaster, B. 2003. "School Language and Shifts in Irish Deaf Identity." In Leila Monaghan, Constance Schmaling, Karen Nakamura, and Graham Turner (Eds.), Many Ways to be Deaf: International Variation in Deaf Communities. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.  Pp. 153-172.
LeMaster, B. 2002.  What Difference does Difference Make?:  Negotiating gender and generation in Irish Sign Language. In Benor, S., Rose, M., Sharma, D., Sweetland, J, and Q. Zhang (eds.). Gendered Practices in Language. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications. Pp. 309-338.
LeMaster, B. and M. Hernandez-Katapodis.  2002.  Learning to Play School:  The Role of Topic in Gendered Discourse Roles among Preschoolers.  In Benor, S., Rose, M., Sharma, D., Sweetland, J, and Q. Zhang (eds.). Gendered Practices in Language. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.  Pp. 213-236.
LeMaster, B. 2000.  Reappropriation of Gendered Irish Sign Language in One Deaf Family.  Visual Anthropology, 15 (2):1-15.
Press, N., C. H. Browner, D. Tram, C. Morton, & B. LeMaster.  1998c.  "Provisional Normalcy and "Perfect Babies":  Pregnant Women's Attitudes Toward Disability in the Context of Prenatal Testing."  In:  Reproducing Reproduction:  Kinship, Power, and Technological Innovation.  Sarah Franklin & Helena Ragoné (Editors).  University of Pennsylvania Press:  Philadelphia.
LeMaster, B. 1998a. "Irish Deaf Identity." In Sign Language Communication Studies:  The Quarterly of the Japan Institute for Sign Language Studies. Published by the Japanese Institute for Sign Language Studies, an affiliate organization of the Japanese Federation of the Deaf. This paper has been translated into the Japanese language. 1998.9, No. 29, pp. 12-19.
LeMaster, B., Megan Hitchcock, Orlando Sanchez, Tina Werner. 1998b.  "Breaking the Silence:  Teaching children how to participate in structured teacher-student interactions."  In Suzanne Wertheim, Ashlee C. Bailey, Monica Corston-Oliver, Engendering Communication: Proceedings from the Fifth Berkeley Women and Language conference.  April 24, 25, 26, 1998.  Pp. 297-332.
LeMaster, B.  1997b.  "Sex Differences in Irish Sign Language."  In:  The Life of Language:  Papers in Linguistics in Honor of William Bright.  Jane H. Hill, P. J. Mistry, Lyle Campbell (Editors)  Mouton De Gruyter. Pp. 67-85.
LeMaster, B.  1997a.  Book review of Sociolinguistics of the Deaf Community solicited by and published in Language and Society, Volume 26, No. 3, pp. 433-436.
LeMaster, B.  1996.  "The Ethics of Data."  Published in the American Anthropological Association newsletter, May 1996. 
LeMaster, B.  1993 "When Women and Men Talk Differently: Language and policy in the Dublin deaf community," for Irish Towns and Cities:  Anthropological Perspectives on Urban Life,  T. Wilson, H. Donnan, C. Curtin (editors).  The Queen's University of Belfast: Belfast, Ireland.  
LeMaster, B. & J. Dwyer,  (1991)  Guest Co-Editors of Sign Language Studies journal, Volume 73, Winter 1991, Linstok Press: MD.
LeMaster, B. & J. Dwyer,  (1991)  "Knowing & Using Female & Male Signs in Dublin,"  Sign Language Studies,  Volume 73, Linstok Press: MD.  Pp. 361-396.
LeMaster, B.  (1990).  The Maintenance and Loss of Female and Male Signs in the Dublin Deaf Community.  Doctoral Dissertation.  UCLA:  CA.
LeMaster, B.  (1986)  "The Deaf and Hearing Worlds: Language, identity and mediation."  Link, August pages 3-8, National Association of the Deaf, the Republic of Ireland. 
LeMaster, B. & S. Foran.  (1986)  "The Irish Sign Language." The Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness,  McGraw-Hill:NY.  Pp. 82-84.
Padden, C. & B. LeMaster.  (1985)  "An Alphabet on Hand:  The acquisition of fingerspelling in Deaf Children."  Sign Language Studies, volume 47, Linstok Press:MD. 
LeMaster, B.  (1977)  "The Education of the Deaf: A sub-community in the making."  Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers,  volume 49, University of California, Berkeley: CA. 

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