French Resources Online
Bonjour! Below is a list of French language learning resources online. I just started studying French this semester, so the list is minimal and geared toward the beginner.

Language Learning:

BBC Online Français

Discusses grammar, vocabulary, and culture. Contains Real Audio files of actual French in use. Treis bien!

French at UT Austin

This page contains links to various on-line resources available for students of First Year French at UT Austin, including RealAudio recordings of En Direct, the alphabet, cardinal numbers, and the names of francophone countries.

Also included are grammar exercises and references, 506 homework exercises, an ftp archive, web links for French 506 and 507, and various learning resources.

Parlo French World

Daily lessons (you can have them emailed directly to you), grammar concepts, language courses (not free), and the like. No sounds :(

French Language with Laura K Lawless

Great links for those interested in French language and culture. There are several good resources for beginners including pronunciation and grammar tips. The site contains quite a few advertisements, but can be easily ignored.

Click on the link to French 101 to access the "French for Beginners" section.

L'alphabet Practice

I am also working on a couple of exercises of my own using Shockwave. If you are interested in reviewing the French alphabet try this L'alphabet Shockwave style. This is still a work in progress, so use it at your own risk.

Last updated February 10, 2001

If you have a favorite web site for French, or if you have any suggestions please let me know