1998-1999COR Scholars
 Melanie Bernus   Update: San Diego State University Health Psychology Program (9/00)
Angeles Cheung  "COR gave me a glimpse of what graduate work will be like. My experiences at various conferences were valuable in preparing me for graduate work, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Dr. Avery Goldstein, Dr. Kenneth Green, and other members of the faculty. My way of release from stress: playing music while coloring in my favorite coloring book, running, playing with clay, laughing with friends. My goal:  work in the field of clinical neuropsychology." UPDATE: CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (4/99).
Julio Delgadillo:  Fall, 2000  LA State
Aldwin Domingo   " My primary interest is in the psychology of language (Psycholinguistics). In particular, I want to investigate how readers understand and comprehend written text. In my current recent research project, I investigated the factors that contribute to the understanding of the Tagalog language. In another research project, I investigated the ability of readers to provide inferences to provide before and after sentences. In the future, I would like to investigate the "cause and effect" structures of a set of instructions. To learn more about my non-academic interests, please click on my name to link to my home page. "
Update:  There will be a Dr. Aldwin Domingo from University of Minnesota in five more years. (3/99)
Crystal Howard "I am pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Counseling Psychology. My career goals include providing counseling services to underrepresented ethnic minority communities through family and youth services provided in the school and through private practice. I also aim at engaging in research endeavors that affect lower socio-economic status and ethnic minority concerns and challenges.  Outside of school and in my spare time (if I have any), I like gardening, arts and crafts.  Regarding my best COR memory, the trip to Washington DC in the fall of 1998 was definitely it. I enjoyed the talks given by very intelligent, eloquent and inspirational speakers there. The weather was also perfect. I admired the old historic buildings, and enjoyed experiencing a truly "fall" season and its accompanying spectrum of red, orange, and yellow leaves." 
Update: Crystal is in her doctoral studies at University of California at Riverside (9/99).
Dung-Hanh Nguyen  "I'm intrigued by the applied aspect of Psychology.  I have considered sub-areas of Clinical, Counseling, Cross-cultural and Social Psychology before making up my mind about going into Industrial / Organizational Psychology.  In terms of hobbies, a power nap, lone sight-seeing, excellent books, independent movies, and  hanging out with peaceful and cheerful friends  are my  ways of stress coping and recharging my batteries. I guess that makes me a desperate introvert. However, my COR fellows continue to be my great support system at school.  They help me feel so young and focused."
Andrew Poulos "My primary interest is understanding how external stimuli create and influence synaptic change, and how these changes contribute to learning and memory formation.  On my free time I like to drive and take long walk near large bodies of water. Another pastime of mine is playing and watching sportive events. Oh, I also like to go deep-sea fishing. My academic goals include getting accepted into a graduate program in behavioral neurosciences and eventually teaching courses in psychophisiology and carrying out research till I die. Dream schools: USC, UCLA, or Arizona."
Update:  The Doctor-to-be Andrew Poulos has been accepted to University of Southern California. (3/99)
Corina Rico  "My primary area of research interest involves HIV primary and secondary prevention in adolescents and ethnic minority populations. My commitment is to further the understanding of community health issues, especially substance abuse and HIV, through applied research.  My specific interests include the psychological, behavioral and social factors related to these health issues, prevention of them, and their impact on the community. My goal is not only to be an active researcher in a governmental agency, but also to maintain my ties to the community and deliver services to communities in need of education and intervention efforts.  On weekendsI love to dance, especially Rock en Espanol & Salsa!!!  I also admire the artwork of Frida Kahlo." 
Update: UCLA School of Public Health (4/99)
Kim-Phuong Vu  Purdue University will be her "home away from home" for the next four years. (3/99)

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