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A possitive charged rod


A thin non-conducting rod of finite length L carries a total charge Q,spread uniformly along it.

a) Find the components of the electric fields.

b) find y-component of the electric field for ( L-> infinity >> y ) by two different methods

i) by taking the limit. ii) by direct integration.




Enter the above equations in the Mathematica notebook as follow.

Ey=lamda 1/(4Pi eps0) y Integrate[1/(x^2+y^2)^(3/2),{x,-L/2,L/2}]

               L lamda
                       2      2
     2 eps0 Pi y Sqrt[L  + 4 y ]


Ex=lamda 1/(4Pi eps0) y Integrate[x/(x^2+y^2)^(3/2),{x,-L/2,L/2}]




     2 eps0 Pi y
EylargeL=lamda 1/(4Pi eps0) y Integrate[1/(x^2+y^2)^(3/2),

     2 eps0 Pi y


Plot the electric field lines in the z-y plane.

This problem has cylindrical symmetry with respect to the x-axis at all points in the yz plane
of radius y=r from the charged rod.


Enter the z and the y components of the electric field as follow.


Ezcompnt=lamda L z/(2 Pi eps0 (z^2+y^2) Sqrt[L^2+4(z^2+y^2)])

                     L lamda z
                 2    2        2       2    2
     2 eps0 Pi (y  + z ) Sqrt[L  + 4 (y  + z )]


Eycompnt=lamda L y/(2 Pi eps0 (z^2+y^2) Sqrt[L^2+4(z^2+y^2)])

                     L lamda y
                 2    2        2       2    2
     2 eps0 Pi (y  + z ) Sqrt[L  + 4 (y  + z )]


given={eps0->1/(4N[Pi] 9 10^9),L=1;Q=10^(-6);lamda->Q/L};



                  18000. z                           18000. y
     {---------------------------------, ---------------------------------}
        2    2                 2    2      2    2                 2    2
      (y  + z ) Sqrt[1. + 4. (y  + z )]  (y  + z ) Sqrt[1. + 4. (y  + z )]


<<Graphics`PlotField` (* This command will load the plotting  
routin for the vector field *)




V=lamda/(4Pi eps0) Integrate[1/(x^2+y^2)^(1/2),{x,-L/2,L/2}]

                            2                        2
                 -L        L     2         L        L     2
     lamda (-Log[-- + Sqrt[-- + y ]] + Log[- + Sqrt[-- + y ]])
                 2         4               2        4
                             4 eps0 Pi



                            2                             2
                 -L        L     2    2         L        L     2    2
     lamda (-Log[-- + Sqrt[-- + y  + z ]] + Log[- + Sqrt[-- + y  + z ]])
                 2         4                    2        4
                                  4 eps0 Pi


given={eps0->1/(4Pi 9 10^9),L=1;Q=10^(-6);lamda->Q/L};



                      lamda z
                 2    2              2      2
     2 eps0 Pi (y  + z ) Sqrt[1 + 4 y  + 4 z ]



                      lamda y
                 2    2              2      2
     2 eps0 Pi (y  + z ) Sqrt[1 + 4 y  + 4 z ]



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