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Physical Science 112 : Syllabus

Class website:

Instructor: Dr.Tahsiri
Department: Physics & Astronomy
: FO5 206
Phone: 562-985-5502
Office Hours:
Tues,Thurs,12:00-1:30 PM.

Course requirements: (1) Physical Science 112, Kenealy (Campus Bookstore).
Physical Science Laboratory Manual, Kenealy (Campus Bookstore). (3) Lectures Notes, Tahsiri (Copy Center in Campus Bookstore). (4) Scientific calculator. A 12 dollars calculator with Sin,Cos,Tan and Inverse-Tan. (5) Three Scantrons No 882-E. (Please do not fold or write anything on scantrons).

Note: The following is my planned schedule as of the first day of classes. I reserve the right to make minor adjustments. I will try to give you adequate notice.

Tentative lecture Schedule and Reading Assignments

Textbook Topics Textbook Chapters
Week 1: Astronomy 3, 1, 2, 4
Week 2: Astronomy 1, 2, 4
Week 3: Astronomy 1, 2, 4, 5
Week 4: Astronomy 6, 6, 7
Week 5: Astronomy 6, 7
Week 6: Introduction, Describing motion, Free fall and Projectile motion 8, 9
Week 7: Describing motion, Free fall and Projectile motion 8. 9
Week 8: Newton's Laws, Circular motion and Friction 10, 13
Week 9: Newton's Laws, Circular motion and Friction 10, 13
Week 10: Gravity 11
Week 11: Gravity, Work &Energy; Momentum; Conservation laws 11, 12
Week 12: Work & Energy; Momentum; Conservation laws 12
Week 13: Waves, Pressure; Heat; Kinetic theory; Fluid 15, 16, 17, 18
Week 14: Pressure; Heat; Kinetic theory; Fluid; Electricity 15, 16, 17, 18
Week 15: Electriciy 19
Week 15: Last Week of Instruction: Final Review and Evaluation.

Lectures: Lectures are based on my lecture notes( Copy center in campus bookstore), and in depth class lectures. Click: Take Home Experiments. are found at the end of Kenealy's textbook.

Exams are based on:

1) Topics covered in my lectures notes and textbook.

2) Videos shown in class

Grading Policy: 

Your total scores for the course are tabulated as follow:

T (your total scores )= (Mid 1)x20%+(Mid 2)x20%+(Final)x30%+(Lab)x20%+(THE)x10%

Letter grades are based on overall T ( the total average) for the entire class.

Take Home Experiments: You MUST complete the take home experiments (THE) by end of the semester. You are welcome to come during my office hrs to the take a peek at a few"Take Home Experiments" done by 112 students during the past year.

Reading Assignments: You must complete all of the assignments given during the lectures.

Things to watch out for

1) Attendance and participation in lecture class is strongly encouraged. (An attendance sheet is passed around at the beginning of each class period)

2) Disruptive behavior will be reported immediately to the school security and authorities . Disruptive behaviors are defined as 1) Talking to a person or friend next to you during the lectures 2) Making unnecessary noises to interrupt others from learning 3) Please do not eat or drink during my lectures.

3) There will be no makeup for midterm exams or the final exams. Exams cannot be taken earlier then the dates specified. You will get a zero grade for each missed exam. I only give a make up exam if your are sick or hospitalized. Doctor's note stating your medical reason for not taking the exam is required.

4) You are responsible for all changes announced in class, whether you are present or not.

5) Please turn off your cellphone.

6) Due to my allergy please do Not Use strong fragrances like Polo or heavy musks of any kind when you are near me.

5) Please familiarize yourself with the "School of the Natural Science" policy regarding the dead line for dropping this course.

6) If you have any comments regarding this class, please slip a note with no name under my door or my mail box in the physics department. Your input is appreciated.

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