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blue bullet “Enhancing students knowledge of IC technology through film device fabrication project” – 3ET Award program (granted)
blue bullet “Engaging engineering education through interactive visualizations” – NSF-DUE program (submitted Apr 2008, pending)
blue bullet “Microscopic model of road capacity and risk for highway systems in port based metropolitan areas” – METRANS 08-09FY (granted)
blue bullet “Integrate Ethical Topics in Electrical Engineering Curriculum” – Ukleja Center Pedagogical Research Stipend (granted)
blue bullet “Molecular Structure of Chalcogenide Materials used in High Speed Memory Devices” – SCAC (granted)
blue bullet “Include Server Learning Component into EE courses” – Center of Community Engagement (granted)
blue bullet “Nano-Material and devices—integrate research and education of all ages” – CESaME (granted)
blue bullet “Research on low power non-volatile information storage device based on novel chalcogenide materials” – C3RP Grant (granted)
blue bullet “Design and fabrication of a resistance-switching memory cell based on Chalcogenide Glasses” – Honors Research Project Grant (granted)
blue bullet “Proposal for Raman Shifter” – DOE ERLE program (granted)
blue bullet “Proposal for X-ray Imaging Plate Detector” – DOE ERLE program (granted)
blue bullet “Investigation of intermediate phase in chalcogenide glasses” -- State Faculty Support Grant (granted)