Updates from the opposition to CSULB's proposed
development along Bellflower Boulevard

The following articles were written for the Los Altos Neighbor, a community newspaper, by Sandy McMillan, a CSULB faculty member in the Department of Radio, Television, and Film. Dr. McMillan has lived in Long Beach for almost 30 years and has taught at CSULB since 1972. Taken chonologically, the articles provide a good overview of the history of our struggle with interesting and useful information about the people and history involved.
Puvungna News, June 1993
This was written shortly after the destruction of the Organic Gardens and describes the struggle to save the Organic Gardens and the opposition of Park Estates homeowners to the University's planned West Village Center.

Puvungna News, July 1993
This provides background information on Puvungna history and the Chungichnish religion as well as an update of the activities of the Save Puvungna Coalition and the June meeting of the Native American Heritage Commission.

Puvungna News, August 1993
This reports on the University's Public Hearing to its draft "Research Design" for archaeological digs on Puvungna and the uniform opposition to the University's plans. Also brief descriptions of Native Descendants: Lillian and Louis Robles, Richard Silva, and Bernie Alvitre.

Puvungna News, September 1993
This reports on the September 3 court hearing which resulted in the Preliminary Injunction blocking any digging for archaeology or development until the case can be heard in court. Also includes material on Native Descendants: Lillian and Louis Robles, Richard Silva, and Bernie Alvitre (some duplication).

Puvungna News, October 1993
This provides an update on Coalition activities, the University's appeal of the Preliminary Injuction, and information on Native Descendant Bernie Alvitre (some duplication).

Puvungna News, November 1993
This provides an update on Coalition activities, information on "Cultural Resource Management Expenses" released to the Financial Affairs Council, and information on Native Descendants Lillian and Louis Robles and Richard Silva (some duplication).

Puvungna News, December [1] 1993
This reports on the December 3 Hearing of California's Native American Heritage Commission in the Long Beach Public Library. Also, information on Native Descendant Jim Alvitre.

Puvungna News, December [2] 1993
This provides a brief review of the Puvungna struggle and brief descriptions of related struggles: Civic Gardens, Bolsa Chica, and Earth Day.

Puvungna News, January 1994
This provides a brief report on the December 21 court hearing on the University's appeal of the Preliminary Injunction before the Court of Appeals in Los Angeles..

Puvungna News, February 1994
This provides an update on Coalition activities, and information on Native Descendant Jimi Castillo, Gabrielino/Tongva Spirtual Leader.

Puvungna News, March 1994
This provides an update with the good news that the University's appeal was denied. Also, more information on Jimi Castillo and his wife Susana Salas.

Puvungna News, April 1994
This provides an update on Coalition activities and information on Native Descendant Stacy Thompson and her views on campus archaeology.

Puvungna News, June 1994
This provides an update on Coalition actitives, including mention of the visit of the Indian Peace Caravan to Chiapas. The article also refutes the denials by campus officials of the existence of Puvungna by discussing the archaeological, ethnohistorical, and historical evidence.

Puvungna News, July 1994
This provides an update on coalition activities, including the July 10 Fundraiser at the Living Planet. Also, a brief introduction to Cindi Alvitre and the Tongva plans for educational and cultural uses of the Puvungna site.

Puvungna News, November 1994
This provides brief descriptions of the lawyers involved in the case, as well as a brief discussion of Assemblywoman Betty Karnette's oppostion to the planned strip mall.

Puvungna News, December 1994
This reports on the postponement of the Puvungna Trial as a sanction for the University's failure to comply with the discovery process.

There have been no editions of Puvungna News in 1995. For information on what has happened in 1995, see the following flyers:

PCPC News, March 3, 1995
Puvungna 95: New Trial Date Set for June 26
After the trial was postponed and then rescheduled, we put this flyer out to bring our supporters up to date.

PCPC News, April 29, 1995
Puvungna Struggle Continues: Indians vow to appeal unfair court decision . . .
We put this flyer out to let our suporters know about the unfair court decision of April 6, when Judge Abby Soven ruled in favor of the CSU motion to dismiss the case based on the CSU contention that the law protecting Indian sacred sites on public land is unconstitutional since it violates the principle of separation of church and state. Our lawyers have appealed this unfair decision.

PCPC News, June 26, 1995
Puvungna Update: June 26, 1995
Another flyer to let our supporters know about the continuing legal battle over the terms of the injunction for the period of the appeal.

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This document was posted on July 31, 1995
