Brett Mizelle, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of History

Director, American Studies Program


California State University Long Beach

1250 Bellflower Blvd.

Long Beach, CA 90840


562-985-4424 office

562-986-5431 fax


dmizelle (at) csulb (dot) edu




Here you'll find links to course syllabi and assignments through Fall 2007, when I migrated everything to BeachBoard. I should get around to updating this sometime, I suppose.


Research & Publications

Probably too much information about papers, conference presentations, grants and awards, etc. Updated in Spring 2010, finally.




H-Animal Listserv
CSULB History Department
CSULB American Studies Program
Photo: Self-Portrait with Mt. McKinley at Dusk, Denali National Park, 2006.

Last revised: February 8, 2010