Failure to Take Base Rates Into Account

One way to understand probability asserts that the probability of an event, P(A), equals the number of possible outcomes (or ways the world could be) that make A true, f, divided by the total number of possible outcomes, n.  Thus,  P(A) = f/n. To update our probability in light of new evidence, we can use Bayes’ Theorem (this formulation is limited to two mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive events).  In the formulation below, A1 is the first possible event, A2 is the second possible event.   B is our new evidence, P(B given A1) is the probability of our new evidence given that A1 is true, and P(B given A2) is the probability of our new evidence given that A2 is true.      

P(A1) x P(B given A1)
P(A1 given B) = ---------------------------------------------------------------
[P(A1) x P(B given A1)] + [P(A2) x P(B given A2)]

Thus, we can think of Bayes' theorem as recalculating f/n: In the original probability for A1 would equate A1 with f and equate A1 + A2 with n.  That is, the probability of P(A1)= P(A1)/P(A1) + P(A2), i.e., P(A1)/P(A1) or P(A2).  So, to modify the probability of A1 given B we calculate the probability of A1 and the probability of B given A1, or P(A1) x P(B given A1) divided by the probability of A1 and B given A1 plus the probability A2 and B given A2, or [P(A1) x P(B given A1)] + [P(A2) x P(B given A2)].

In the case from the slides, the probability of being a blue gang member, A1, simpliciter is .15 (15%).  The probability of being a green gang member, A2, simpliciter is .85 (85%).  The probability of eye witness testimony, B, given that the shooter is a blue,  P(B given A1), is .8 (80%).   The probability of eye witness testimony, B, given that the shooter is a green,  P(B given A2), is .2 (20%).  Thus, the probability of the shooter being a blue gang member in light of the eyewitness testimony, i.e., P(A1 given B), is given by plugging the numbers into Bayes' theorem:


P(A1) x P(B given A1) .15 x .8
P(A1 given B) = --------------------------------------------------------------- OR P(A1 given B) = ---------------------------------- OR .4137
[P(A1) x P(B given A1)] + [P(A2) x P(B given A2)] [.15 x .8] + [.85 x .2]