The Study Habits Inventory

Print and fill out the following questionnaire.  You will not turn in the questionnaire, nor will you need to report the numeric score.  So, you will benefit most from this questionnaire if you answer honestly.  To start, evaluate your study habits on a scale of 0-30, evaluate your reading habits on a scale of 0-25, and evaluate your writing habits on a scale of 0-10, where the highest number is the best, and 0 is the worst.  Write down each number.  Answer the questions below as honestly as possible.  Click on the link at the bottom of the page to go to the key to see the values for each answer.  Add up your scores based on your answers, and compare them to your initial evaluations.  Were they higher or lower than you expected?  Read each of the explanation sections (below), and try to figure out what you do well and what you might try to improve.  Choose a specific suggestion in each section (studying, reading, and writing) that you will try to include in your future studying, reading, and writing.   Once you have completed the inventory AND carefully reviewed the key (link at bottom), log on to beachboard and complete the study habits inventory assignment.


Studying Questions Points

1.) I study course material... (choose one)

a.) several times a week, even if for short time periods.

b.) once a week.

c.) only before the test.




2.) I study the lecture slides.... (choose all that apply)

a.) before the lecture.

b.) after the lecture.

c.) before the test.

d.) never.





3.) When I study, I ... (choose all that apply)

a.) read my notes, read the lecture slides, or read the assigned readings.

b.) try to write answers study questions, and then check them against my notes, the lecture slides, and/or the readings.

c.) create diagrams or draw arrows between key concepts.

d.) try to explain the ideas and arguments out loud or to my friends.

e.) try to generate examples of key ideas from my own experience.

f.) none of the above.



4.) During lectures and small group meetings I... (choose all that apply)

a.) ask questions to help me better understand the material.

b.) take notes by copying the slides.

c.) take notes on the lectures slides or lecture outlines.

d.) listen for clarifications and examples that are not on the lecture slides.

e.) write or draw connections between ideas, slides, or key words.

f.) none of the above.




5.) If I have trouble understanding material in the course, I...

a.) search the internet looking for alternative materials.

b.) ask clarificatory questions about the material in class.

c.) consult the materials cited by the readings or lecture.

d.) look for articles by the figures discussed in class using one of the library databases. 

e.) go to office hours.


Total points: Possible Points: 30



Reading Questions Points

1.) I read the assigned readings... (choose all that apply)

a.) before the lecture.

b.) after the lecture.

c.) before the test.

d.) never.


2.) I read the assigned readings... (choose all that apply)

a.) never.

b.) once.

c.) more than once.




3.) When I read the course material I... (choose all that apply)

a.) start by looking over the material noticing headings, sub-headings, bolded text, diagrams, etc..

b.) read the introductory and summary paragraphs.

c.) use a highlighter and/or make textual notes.

d.) try to outline the text as I read it.

e.) just try to read it.

f.) none of the above.




4.) When I come across a word or phrase in the text with which I'm unfamiliar, I... (choose all that apply)

a.) just continue on, or stop reading.

b.) try to determine its meaning from the context of the passage.

c.) look up the meaning in the lexicon or other resource.

d.) determine the word's meaning and review the sentence or passage so that I'm sure I understand it.

e.) determine the word's meaning and then make a textual note about the meaning.

f.) determine the word's meaning and then rewrite the sentence in my own words.

g.) make a note of the word and its meaning for review.




Total points: Possible Points: 25



Writing Questions Points

1.) In writing an answer to an in-class exam question, I... (choose all that apply)

a.) start by carefully reading the entire question, marking important or familiar words and concepts.

b.) start writing after reading the first sentence or prompt.

c.) read all the questions, and start writing on the question with which I am most comfortable.

d.) read the question, then consider how the question relates to the lectures on that topic. 





2.) In writing an answer, I... (choose all that apply)

a.) work out every detail of the answer in my head before writing.

b.) work out a general outline of my answer before writing.

c.) proceed through the question from prompt to prompt, writing the answer as I read each prompt.




3.) In writing an answer to the question, I... (choose all that apply)

a.) try to illustrate my understanding of the material through the use of examples.

b.) assume the professor knows what I'm talking about.

c.) define all course-specific terms as part of my answer.

d.) write my answer as a self-contained, concise essay any intelligent person could read and follow.




4.) After writing an answer, I... (choose all that apply)

a.) move on to the next question.

b.) read the answer looking for content errors, grammar errors, and unaddressed prompts.

c.) read the answer twice; once for content errors and missing information, and once for grammar, spelling, and etc..

d.) read the answer, checking the answer against the question and my rough outline for completeness and correctness.




Total points: Possible Points: 10


The Key