Philosophy 160
Introduction to Ethics









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Study Questions


Rachels on Virtue Ethics

1.) What are the four things Rachel's says that we need to know in order to understand virtue ethics?  Give a general account of each.

2.) What is Pincoff's characterization of virtue?

3.) Give some examples of virtues listed by Rachels.  Give a name and some characteristics associated with each.

4.) What is it to give an account of a virtue's virtuousness?  What is Aristotle's general account?  Give a more specific account for at least one virtue.

5.) Why isn't Aristotle's general account of the virtuousness of virtues thought to be enough?

6.) What is it to give a set of traits for a virtue?   Give a set of traits account for at least one virtue.

7.) What Nietzsche's criticism of if virtue theory?  Why doesn't Rachel's believe it to be correct?

8.) What are the three strengths listed by Rachel's for virtue theory?  Give a brief account of each.

9.) How does virtue ethics create a stronger connection between morality and motivation according to Rachels? 

10.) How does virtue ethics allow for a more legitimate moral role for partiality?

11.) In what way does virtue ethics allow for an alternative model of human relationships to shape ethical thought?  Why is it labeled feminist by Rachel's?

12.) Why doesn't virtue ethics translate easily into guidance for deciding upon moral actions according to Rachels?

13.) In what three ways is virtue ethics incomplete according to Rachels?  Give examples of each.