Philosophy 160
Introduction to Ethics









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#3 Practice Test Essay Questions

Try to answer the following review questions with a short essay answer.  You can then compare your answer to an example answer by clicking on the key link below.

1.) What is the difference between deontological ethical theories and consequentialist ethical theories?  How would a deontological theorist differ from a consequentialist theorists when considering the moral status of abortion?  What would be relevant to each?

2.) What is the veil of ignorance, and what element of contractarian theory does the veil of ignorance represent in Rawls’ theory?

3.) What is reflective equilibrium, and what role does it play in Rawls’ theory?

4.) What is utilitarianism?  What is its central principle or principles?  What is consequentialism?  Explain why utilitarians are consequentialists.  

5.) What is the distinction between Act and Rule Utilitarianism, and how might it help with free-riders?

6.) Present a well-formulated statement of the objection to Utilitarianism based upon the notion that Utilitarianism places excessive moral demands on individuals. Make sure you illustrate the objection with at least one example.

7.)  What is Aristotle's general theory of why virtues are virtuous? 

8.) According to Rachels, what is it to give an account of a virtue's virtuousness?  Give a more specific account for at least one virtue.

9.) What are the two classes of virtues that Aristotle distinguishes? Give an example of each. What relationship do they have to one another.

10.) According to the Doris chapter, what is a mood effect?  Why might one think that mood effects pose a problem for virtue ethics?

11.)  What are group effects?  Why might one think that group effects pose a problem for virtue ethics?




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