Philosophy 160
Introduction to Ethics









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Practice Test Essay Questions

Try to answer the following review questions with a short essay answer.  You can then compare your answer to an example answer by clicking on the key link below.

1.) What is mind reading?  What are the two types of mind reading discussed by Nichols in his article?

2.) What is contagion theory of altruistic behavior?   What is the problem noted by Nichols for contagion theories of altruistic behavior?  How does the addition of mind reading to theories of altruistic behavior help address the problem with contagion theory?

3.) What is a dissociation?  How does Nichols use dissociations to argue in favor of his theory of moral judgments over the VIM theory offered by Blair?  Make sure you outline Nichol's and Blair's theories.

4.) What is the prisoner's dilemma?  Why was the performance of tit-for-tat such a surprise for game theorists?  What explains tit-for-tat's success?  What are the potential weaknesses of tit-for-tat?

5.) How does Nowak alter the prisoner's dilemma in his tournaments?  Give an example of a strategy discussed in lecture that does well in Nowak's tournament.

6.) What are contracts for Hobbes?  What contract must one try to enter into according to Hobbes and why this particular contract?

7.) How does Hobbes argue that all persons are both intellectual and physical equals for all purposes in the state of nature?

8.) How does Kant think you come to know that murder for personal gain is wrong morally?

9.) Why does Kant think that the categorical imperative is an a priori principle, whereas hypothetical imperatives are a posteriori principles?



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