Philosophy 160
Introduction to Ethics









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Study Questions


Kant's Groundwork

1.) What is an analytic statement?  Give an example.

2.)  What is an synthetic statement?  Give an example.

3.) What is an a priori statement?  Give an example.

4.) What is an a posteriori statement?  Give an example.

5.) What is an analytic a priori statement?  Give an example.

6.) What is an synthetic a priori statement?  Give an example.

7.) Why don't qualities of mind, dispositions of character, or one's fortunes make a will good?

8.) Why isn't the will good because it (in so far as it) allows us to accomplish conditional purposes like surviving, thriving, and happiness?

9.) What makes a will good according to Kant?

10.) What is the difference between acting according to duty and acting from duty? Give examples of each.

11.) What are the differences between hypothetical and categorical imperatives?

12.) Give a version of Kant's categorical imperative.

13.) What are the two types of laws that regulate all of nature according to Kant?  Give an example of each.

14.) What is the difference between perfect and imperfect duties?  Give an example of each.

15.) What makes a will autonomous?