Philosophy 160
Introduction to Ethics









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Study Questions


Doris' Chapter 2 and Chapter 3

1.) According to Doris, what is one doing when one attributes a personality trait or a character trait?

2.) What is the relationship between character traits and virtues according to Doris?

3.) Does Doris assume that behavioral accounts exhaust what we mean when we attribute a virtue to someone?  If not, what else could be involved?

4.) What is Globalism according to Doris and what does it say about character traits and personality organization?

5.) What Doris' central thesis in the chapters we've read?

6.) What is Situationism according to Doris, and what does it say about character traits and personality organization?

7.) What virtue does Doris want to look at in chapter 3?

8.) What are mood effects, and how do they seem to favor situationism against globalism?  Can you give an example?

9.) What are group effects, and how do they seem to favor situationism against globalism?  Can you give an example?

10.) What are the good samaritan effects, and how do they seem to favor situationism against globalism?  Can you give an example?

11.) What are the Milgram experiments, and how do they seem to favor situationism against globalism?

12.) What are the Stanford Prison Experiments, and how do they seem to favor situationism against globalism?

13.) Finally, what aspects of the research on the Nazi holocaust seem to favor situationism according to Doris?