Librarianship Scholarships

There are many organizations sponsoring scholarships for Librarianship students. Beyond those listed on this page, other library groups also sponsor scholarships, which are announced to current students.

California School Library Association

CSLA offers these scholarships and awards (deadline Sept. 23)

  • Leadership for Diversity Scholarship, supporting a member from a traditionally underrepresented group complete a teacher librarian credential program (note that a CSULB white male won one year....)
  • Northern and Southern Section Scholarships for completing both teacher librarian credential and library technician educational programs
  • Awards recognize achievement: Technology and Good Ideas (for collaborative instruction) are two such awards

​All State awards and scholarships will presented at CSLA's Conference, so do start planning now, as most require letters of recommendation and other documentation. All scholarships and awards have a common deadline: October 1.

California Library Association

The California Library Association lists information about their scholarships.

Association of Jewish Libraries

AJL website details their scholarship

College of Education Scholarships

The College of Education awards close to 150 scholarships to deserving students each year, including some awards specifically granted to Librarianship students! The CED Scholarships site has detailed information on scholarship eligibility and how to apply for a scholarship. Applications are  due by early February each year.